Samsung unveils Galaxy Note - a new 5.3-inch, dual-core phone with a SuperAMOLED HD


YES i want a screen this size. For those of you who think its too big or ridiculous... don't buy it.. and go away.


YES i want a screen this size. For those of you who think its too big or ridiculous... don't buy it.. and go away.
That's what I said in the very beginning when phones started becoming 4 inches. Seriously, if you don't like it, then don't buy it. There's no need to bash on something just because your taste is different than someone else's. That's what most tech sites are doing now to Android just because they like their iPhones.

I personally think 5.3" is big, but not too big. You can see that it fits just right in the guy's hand and he isn't holding it awkwardly.


DF News Team
Premium Member
It just has to be small enough to fit in my pocket. If a 5.3" phone can do that, I'm all for it.


Silver Member
Here's my issue with a phone with a screen this size. A phone should in theory be able to comfortably fit in your pocket but my major concern would be the screen shattering very easily. Just think, the phone is easily going to take up all your pocket space, well unless you still wear jnco jeans haha, so I would think sitting down with it in your pocket could be very hazardous to the health of the phone. One wrong movement while sitting and I can see the screen cracking. Just my two cents.


Here's my issue with a phone with a screen this size. A phone should in theory be able to comfortably fit in your pocket but my major concern would be the screen shattering very easily. Just think, the phone is easily going to take up all your pocket space, well unless you still wear jnco jeans haha, so I would think sitting down with it in your pocket could be very hazardous to the health of the phone. One wrong movement while sitting and I can see the screen cracking. Just my two cents.
Yeah I can understand that, especially since I usually wear skinny jeans..(I'm a skater :)) May just have to have it in a holster case, but still you have to admit it's a pretty nice phone either way. Even though the phone is supposed to be incredibly thin, I'm sure Sammy took this into account and used some kind of reinforced glass or casing =/


Silver Member
Yeah I can understand that, especially since I usually wear skinny jeans..(I'm a skater :)) May just have to have it in a holster case, but still you have to admit it's a pretty nice phone either way. Even though the phone is supposed to be incredibly thin, I'm sure Sammy took this into account and used some kind of reinforced glass or casing =/

Its a beautiful phone, just a little big for my liking.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.


Silver Member
I respect that, since you didn't say "I don't like it and it sucks" :)

I think their trying to find a device that pleases the consumer on the best size to get tab users and phone users alike and corner the all in one kind of device to compensate both needs to make more is getting pretty good lately for these devices..especially like the they probably put all the teaser ads and shots and rumors and the whole nine yards to get people so psyched and you is working because people are willing to do anything to buy it and this was even before official specs were even I love and sales.. its a beast! I do it too at one of my all in all..I would at anytime take a 5.3 inch screen, and any bigger as they know, would be a tab....

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