Samsung radios


Sep 23, 2012
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I used to be a die hard Samsung fan when I had my S3. I still like Samsung, unfortunately I had to give up my S3 after 2yrs and switch to my Motorola Droid Maxx. The Maxx has better signal(radio) and a bigger battery. My question is, has Samsung made their radios better since the S3?

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I have heard they've made great improvements in that area. As an s4 owner, I can say sometimes the signal on my phone can be absolutely hopeless and it gets annoying, but other than that it's a great phone. I heard they really improved things with the s5 and I can only imagine it's been better with the release of the s6.

It's definitely hard to compare radio signals, even with the numbers because they can be rated differently. I still think Moto uses the best radios, but I haven't had a Moto device since the OG Droid, I just hear good things about Moto signal quality and never hear of any complaints regarding their devices not hanging onto a signal.
I noticed better radios on Note 3.. and I've seen less complaining on the newer phones in general..

Never had a problem with my S5 in fringe areas and I've heard it was improved even more so on the S6.
Moto Turbo has had very mixed reviews with the radio in that device.

S5 tap'n
Never had a problem with my S5 in fringe areas and I've heard it was improved even more so on the S6.
Moto Turbo has had very mixed reviews with the radio in that device.

S5 tap'n
That's news. I was looking at possibly getting a turbo.

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My Moto Razr Maxx & Razr m could get a signal where no one else could. It was excellent. Went from that to a note2. I had no problems with signal, reception, clarity. Note 2 to the Note3, still no problems. Note3 kitkat to lollipop changed that. It's been years since I had dropped calls, no signal, poor clarity while talking on the phone. Now, with lollipop, it's a multiple times a day occurrence. But it definitely is not the phone/Samsung but a problem with lollipop that I haven't figured out how to resolve yet.

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Our Notes (Note 4, Note Edge) get the best reception out of the phones in our family.

They are:
Note 4
Note Edge
Galaxy S5
iPhone 5S
IPHONE 6 Plus x2

These are all the GSM variants.
My house is what I lovingly call a dead zone. It's like that on almost all carriers. I bought an S3 at full retail and ended up selling it after a month because I was dropping calls and having failed text messages. At the time, I was under contract on a Razr Maxx and had 1-2/3 bars in my house. Never dropped a call though.
Fast forward to the s4 ad I tried it again. Had a little better experience for signal in most places I went, but nothing like the Maxx HD I had.
Fast forward again to the S5 release and of course I gave it a try too lol. I was honestly shocked. I was getting the same signal in my house as my Droid Maxx was. That and the 16mp camera are what sold me on it. When I bought the Note 4 in January, I had a similar experience.
Samsung has definitely improved their radios.

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