safestrap gone wrong, somebody please help


New Member
Mar 4, 2012
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Greetings community,

I had the joy and fun of flashing a great rom from th3ory, ive used safestrap and did everything through the droidrazrutility 1.40.
Everything was definitely working properly, and i could easily switch to the safe and unsafe mode. i also created a backup of both.
One day, i noticed that on my unsafe mode, my email credentials would fail continuously (password worked on browser, not on phone).
I did not have the same problem on the flashed rom that was on the safe partition.

My decision to fix the problem was to try to recover the unsafe from the backup i made before flashing the rom.
so within safestrap, i went to unsafe mode, went to the recovery/backup, and clicked on my unsafe backup.

Safestrap did it successfully, but now i find myself stuck in AP fastboot.

i am able to start the phone by powering up holding vol up/down, but any kind of booting takes me to the same ap fastboot fail.

Can somebody please educate me the steps to get past this problem so i could recover from my backups.

the screen i get is as follows:
AP Fastboot Flash Mode <S> (Boot Failure)
To return to normal mode - first press the power key to powre down

Device is LOCKED, Status Code:0
Batter OK
OK to program
Transfer Mode:
USB Connected

Invalid CG OTV (CG:webtop) Invalid SP Data
Invalid CG HAB (CG webtop, status: 0x004E
Invalid CG OTV (CG: webtop)

any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you
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You need to fxz flash your phone. Im mobile atm so I can't see your profile. What phone do you have?

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
guidot, thanks for the reply,

to the community, what i did to fix my phone originally was i found rsd lite 5.6, and found the 1.73 kernel and flashed it.

i was unhappy with the debloated file i got, so i downloaded windows utility 1.42 (mattlgrof) and just used option 1.

phone is alive
excellent! Glad you got it back up and running.