I just recently bought a new Maxx, upgrading from an X. A friends, upon seeing mine, went and bought one as well. In love with this phone for the most part. I was extremely hesitant as the battery isn't removable. I had a couple batteries for my X and swapped them at day.
But, I really have to say, I'm not that amazed at the battery life, albeit all I read is how amazing it is. Myself, I don't get through the day with it if I actually play with my phone. And, I don't stream audio/video, I will mostly read RSS feeds and view a few site apps like Facebook etc. It's ready for a charge when I get from work usually and I really don't do much with it. It is in my pocket and I walk a lot. Accelerometer?
Most of the battery usage is screen (which I keep on low) and Android OS. And if I call someone, phone. Main Apps I use are an RSS reader(2%), Gmail, k9 email with a couple accounts, but it's low of the usage scale like 2%. Bluetooth 2%, Beautiful weather widget.
My friend is stating her battery life is dismal as well. Similar setup. She uses hers even less. I'm really wondering what's up here considering everyone raves at this unit. I sooo want to love it. It really is a sweet phone. If it had a removable battery I'd not even be writing this. I'd be buying an external charger and batteries and smiling away.
I do keep the 4g on, but hey, that is why I bought this phone, only to have simul data/voice. VZW guy says turn it off. Well, then the X would be ok for the most part if I can't use what I bought the phone for. I'm going to toggle it for when I use it, but still... 3k mA battery after all... lol...
I do use the OEM Charger.
Literally contemplating a Bionic for the removable battery. I seem to really need that. Sigh... I'm assuredly bummed here with that possibility.
Any thoughts? I don't think I'm doing anything that the average user wouldn't, I'm thinking I'm considerably more savvy about why it could be doing this.
Thoughts? Opinions?
But, I really have to say, I'm not that amazed at the battery life, albeit all I read is how amazing it is. Myself, I don't get through the day with it if I actually play with my phone. And, I don't stream audio/video, I will mostly read RSS feeds and view a few site apps like Facebook etc. It's ready for a charge when I get from work usually and I really don't do much with it. It is in my pocket and I walk a lot. Accelerometer?
Most of the battery usage is screen (which I keep on low) and Android OS. And if I call someone, phone. Main Apps I use are an RSS reader(2%), Gmail, k9 email with a couple accounts, but it's low of the usage scale like 2%. Bluetooth 2%, Beautiful weather widget.
My friend is stating her battery life is dismal as well. Similar setup. She uses hers even less. I'm really wondering what's up here considering everyone raves at this unit. I sooo want to love it. It really is a sweet phone. If it had a removable battery I'd not even be writing this. I'd be buying an external charger and batteries and smiling away.
I do keep the 4g on, but hey, that is why I bought this phone, only to have simul data/voice. VZW guy says turn it off. Well, then the X would be ok for the most part if I can't use what I bought the phone for. I'm going to toggle it for when I use it, but still... 3k mA battery after all... lol...
I do use the OEM Charger.
Literally contemplating a Bionic for the removable battery. I seem to really need that. Sigh... I'm assuredly bummed here with that possibility.
Any thoughts? I don't think I'm doing anything that the average user wouldn't, I'm thinking I'm considerably more savvy about why it could be doing this.
Thoughts? Opinions?