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Rooting problem


New Member
I'm using androot and it keeps failing. Ill post a log. It keeps dying at the installing tools part.

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Here is the logfile

Version: Universal Androot - v1.6.2 beta
Detected OS version:8
Go for root !
User selected: Eclair
Trying to get mount point:/system/bin
Preparing Exploit ... :1
Preparing busybox binary ... :1
Preparing Su binary ... :1
Preparing Superuser apk ... :1, resid:2130968582
Preparing root toolkit script ... :1
Trying to get mount point:/data
/dev/block/mtdblock6 /data yaffs2 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
Trying to get mount point:/system
/dev/block/mtdblock4 /system yaffs2 ro,relatime 0 0
insmod ./tattoo_hack_gf922713.ko
insmod ./tattoo_hack_g6561203.ko
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
cat su > /system/bin/su
chmod 04755 /system/bin/su

mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system

insmod ./tattoo_hack_gf922713.ko
insmod ./tattoo_hack_g6561203.ko
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
rm /system/bin/su
mount -o remount,rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock6 /data
mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system

Preparing to execute exploit, do chmod
Executing exploit..
cmd: /data/data/com.corner23.android.universalandroot/files/getroot /dev/block/mtdblock6 yaffs2
[*] Android local root exploid (C) The Android Exploid Crew
[*] Modified by shakalaca for various devices
[+] Using basedir=/data/data/com.corner23.android.universalandroot/files, path=/data/data/com.corner23.android.universalandroot/files/getroot
[+] opening NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT socket
[+] sending add message ...
[*] Try to invoke hotplug now, clicking at the wireless
[*] settings, plugin USB key etc.
[*] You succeeded if you find /system/bin/rootshell.
[*] GUI might hang/restart meanwhile so be patient.
Wifi disabled ...
After wifi, do copy files
Root shell is missing ..
ls -l /system/etc
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 ppp
-rw-r--r-- root root 89 2010-08-13 15:22 01_Vendor_ti_omx.cfg
-rw-r--r-- root root 10900 2010-08-13 15:22 event-log-tags
-rw-r--r-- root root 11849 2010-08-13 15:22 cameraCalFileDef.bin
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 permissions
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 bluetooth
-rw-r--r-- root root 51120 2010-08-13 15:22 NOTICE.html.gz
-rw-r--r-- root root 621 2010-08-13 15:22 vold.fstab
-rw-r--r-- root root 6491 2010-08-13 15:22 media_profiles.xml
-rw-r--r-- root root 192 2010-08-13 15:22 pvplayer_mot.cfg
-rw-r--r-- root root 25 2010-08-13 15:22 hosts
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 firmware
-rw-r--r-- root root 224 2010-08-13 15:22 excluded-input-devices.xml
-r-xr-x--- root shell 1200 2010-08-13 15:22 init.goldfish.sh
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 security
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 updatecmds
-rw-r--r-- root root 473 2010-08-13 15:22 pvplayer.cfg
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 motorola
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 wifi
-rw-r--r-- root root 266 2010-08-13 15:22 apns-conf.xml
-rw-r--r-- root root 191 2010-08-13 15:22 gps.conf
-rw-r--r-- root root 682 2010-08-13 15:22 contributors.css
drwxr-xr-x root root 2010-08-13 15:22 dhcpcd
-r--r----- bluetooth bluetooth 935 2010-08-13 15:22 dbus.conf
ls -l /sqlite_stmt_journals
/sqlite_stmt_journals: No such file or directory
ls -l /data/local/tmp
opendir failed, Permission denied
ls -l /system/bin/reboot
lrwxr-xr-x root shell 2010-08-13 16:06 reboot -> toolbox
cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease
getprop ro.product.model
getprop ro.product.brand
getprop ro.product.name
getprop ro.product.manufacturer
getprop ro.build.product
Install rootkit: false
Exploit delete success

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
Are you on a d1?? If so use rsd lite stay away from any apps that root for you, you'll be thankful in the end

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
Since I have rooted my sony ericson xperia x10mini I cant receive any sms on my phone but I can send sms,receive call,gprs is also fine,can call also.there is no network problem as I have tried the same SIM in other handset and it is able to receive sms.
So I want to know can rooting cause such type of problem?what should I do now?if I will go to sony's help centre do they have excuse that since you have rooted your phone we will not entertain this problem?
please help..
Sent from my E10i using DroidForums App
Mine quits aswell before it gets done "installing toolkit"
I tried z4root and got a step further but after the reboot nothing had changed.
Did you find anything out?
A lot of people tend to blame rooting for their phone issues. Rooting actually doesn't modify that much, just adds an app to /system/app and a few other files in the system. The rooting files don't affect the network. Sorry I couldn't help more, but try a data wipe?
I'm not familiar with the Sony xperia, but rooting alone, at least for the Droid phones such as the Droid 1, Droid 2, Droid X, etc... typically doesn't cause much damage (if any).... to mirror what has already been said.

However, root privileges do allow you to modify/delete/screw up system files...which CAN do serious and irreversible damage.

What exactly did you do to cause your phone to have these problems? What process (exactly...was there a guide you followed? ...link??) did you use to root your phone?

The more information about how you got to where you are now will help us help you figure it out :)
I'm trying to root my Rezound and I'm having problems. Using the guides in the development section I got the bootloader unlocked. I flashed Amon Ra 3.14 recovery. Now the hboot screen says tampered above unlocked. Since I'm on an ICS leak I downloaded supersu from the play store. I tried to flash the binary the normal way since I don't have the clockworkmod or tarp on the phone, but needless to say it won't work. Any suggestions?
First off, you have "Tampered" because you actually FLASHED a recovery, which is not necessary in anyway, shape, or form... If you have read deeper and done some research than you would learn that Tampered comes from flashing custom recovery and is completely normal but unnecessary, using "fastboot boot recovery.img" when needed prevents the Tampered flag and eliminates the need for separate flashing of boot.img files when flashing custom ROMS.

Second off, Amon Ra is no longer a recommended recovery to use on the Rez, TWRP is the current and most recommended recovery out there, it can be found here: Goo.im Downloads - Browsing vigor or with GooManager after rooting.

Third, root should be achieved using SuperSU, not Superuser, on the Rezound by manually flashing the ZIP file, and cannot be updated or installed from the Play Store until after this step is done. Place the current ZIP file on your SD card from this site: SuperSU Download, boot into TWRP using "fastboot boot recovery.img" and flash the SuperSU.zip file, wipe cache and Dalvik, and reboot and you should be good to go. Then go to the Play Store and update the APK, run the SuperSU manager program and update the binary.

Fourth, although not mentioned, before starting any changes after unlocking, you should immediately do a complete Nandroid backup and move it off the SD card to safe location, just in case.
First off, you have "Tampered" because you actually FLASHED a recovery, which is not necessary in anyway, shape, or form... If you have read deeper and done some research than you would learn that Tampered comes from flashing custom recovery and is completely normal but unnecessary, using "fastboot boot recovery.img" when needed prevents the Tampered flag and eliminates the need for separate flashing of boot.img files when flashing custom ROMS.

Do you mean open a command prompt and type something similar to this except use twrp recovery?

Cd \AndroidSDK\platform-tools
Fastboot flash recovery ..\recovery-ra-vigor-3.14-gnm.img
Fastboot reboot-bootloader

This is the method I used to put Amon Ra recovery on my phone.
Do you mean open a command prompt and type something similar to this except use twrp recovery?

Cd \AndroidSDK\platform-tools
Fastboot flash recovery ..\recovery-ra-vigor-3.14-gnm.img
Fastboot reboot-bootloader

This is the method I used to put Amon Ra recovery on my phone.
There is no need to FLASH any recovery, once a recovery is flashed TAMPERED will always be there until you lock and RUU, even flashing stock recovery back will not remove the flag. Remember that "Tampered" doesn't really do anything, it is just a flag that says you have modified the phone and if you sent it in for warranty replacement, they could potentially reject it and charge you full retail if the flag is set. Tampered by itself is not an issue. Although seeings as you have already flashed a custom recovery, flashing the new one is acceptable, just remember if you flash a custom ROM that you must extract the boot.img file and flash it manually from the PC as well.

The better way to use a custom recovery is to BOOT it from a PC... and you can boot any recovery with any recovery installed (even stock) using this method as long as you are unlocked.

Cd \AndroidSDK\platform-tools
fastboot boot recovery-ra-vigor-3.14-gnm.img (or whatever the img file is for the recovery you are using)

I have also found it is easier and takes much less space to use mini-adb, it has the bare minimum stuff you need to flash ROMs/recovery in about 450k (yes, that is kilobytes). so I do it like this...

CMD window...

cd \mini-adb
fastboot devices (just to make sure it is seen by fastboot)
fastboot boot twrp263\recovery.img

wait a few seconds and TWRP is loaded into RAM and executed, in a psuedo S-OFF mode, which allows all functions of recovery to be used including flashing ROMs without the need to seperately flash the boot.img.

I really like this method of rooting, just substitute the current TWRP and SuperSU ZIP file for the Superuser and Amon Ra noted in the post I linked to using the temporary recovery method in the post (read thoroughly).

Most posts for rooting are old and haven't been updated in a while, so you will see references to old files, many of which are not recommended anymore like Amon Ra and Superuser.

This isn't something that is obvious to a new rooter on the Rez, and nothing in the older posts is unrecoverable from or a deal breaker moving forward, so don't worry... it will all come in time.
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