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[ROM] ZombieStomped 1.0 (D2 Leaked GB Motoblur build)


Premium Member
Premium Member
:) ZombieStomped 1.2(Full market patch now available) :)

Before I say anything, I would like to thank Jrummy for helping me with this as much as he did, also for bearing with me through all of my annoying questions. :P

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Imoseyon for looking over my code and for all of his awesome kernel tweaks.

^Without these two people the Droid X/2 rom community would be totally lame^​

For my first release I made a fairly basic build. That being said however, there are a lot of tweaks that will definitely be noticeable in battery life and performance. Also I wanted this to be very easy for everyone. After the initial install I have made all of the performance adjustments for you. Install it and you're good to go!

ZombieStomped 1.2:
-redid the entire base
-no longer optipnged
-everything Social Networking wise is working
-added the build version in about phone(screenshot below)
-added vvm back in for those who use it
-all known bugs have been squashed
-added nano! (Thanks Jrummy!!!)

note: The app known as "Bump" is causing reboot issues, if you have bump and are experiencing this issue, please un-install it.

ZombieStomped 1.1.1:
-adb fix
-redid some framework(still no themes)
-all issues from 1.1 resolved

ZombieStomped 1.0:

Init.d support:
-local.prop redraw hack (I found a lot more redraws in GB compared to Froyo)
-interactive governor by default (much faster than ondemand)
-logger disabled (Better performance and battery life)
-sysctl tweaks
-cron, purge vm caches twice per day as GB is a high RAM OS
-decided against minfree tweaks as it would probably just cause more redraws

All apps fully optimized:
-Zipaligned on every boot
-Bloat apps removed

Other features:
-build.prop edits
-updated busybox to work with cron
-CRT screen off animation (don't set window animations to fast in spare parts or it won't work)
-added spare parts
-removed Voice Search as it had force close issues. It can be installed via the market.

How to install ZombieStomped:


If you are running the official Droid 2 GB leak then:

-bootstrap recovery
-reboot into bootstrap recovery
-Wipe data/factory reset
-Install ZombieStomped1.2zip

Your phone may appear to bootloop once on the initial install, do not be alarmed! It is just a part of the zipaligning process.
On the first boot it you're phone may reboot, this is normal and a side effect of the interactive gov on first boot.

Download Zombiestomped 1.2:
Get it here!!!
Download the full market patch:
Full market download
^Install the full market patch through clockwork, no wipe required!^​

If you are having problems downloading from mediafire, clear your browsers cache and cookies, then try again.

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER, I'll retweet the good hype ;)


I am not responsible for anything that may go wrong with you're device after installing this. If something did go wrong, chances are you didn't follow directions correctly.
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Whoops meant to preview it not submit it haha. The link will be up when it's done uploading.
no worries.....I am interested in the screenshots to see if it's something I want. So this is flashable from the GB leak?
Yes, I don't feel that screenshots are necessary because it doesn't look any different than the leak. It's just optimized. However I can post some up anyways.
Sup jboxen. I was askin can I jus wipe data and cache and install your rom over a ported droid x rom I flashed using ur porter?
thanks Jboxen. I can't wait to see what it's all about. I like the GB but am getting tired of it and ready for something new. I think the word Zombie has me intrigued.