Liberty 3
Sunday Bloody Sunday!!!
Sunday Bloody Sunday!!!

* Please Wipe Data regardless of what ROM you come from
Team Liberty
Primary Dev’s and project leads - Kejar31 and Jurmmy16
Primary Dev - Syaoran12
Artist - Koveleski
FABOLOUS for all his help on the DX port!
Thanks to Teamdouche for publicly posting the CM source, which I compiled some of my apps from
Thanks to Superteam and Dustin Jorge as Liberty-Laucher was forked from and based on their work
DroidTh3ry for his camera app
droidjunk for his powerwidgets mod
sbrissen for his smali help, if not for him I (syaoran12) wouldn’t have been able to learn smali
TopazAaron for our new server!
Everyone else who helped make this ROM possible - you know who you are
- Most all apps were built from source.... rather that decompiled and hacked apps via APKmanager!!!!! To do this I took the CM7 source tree and reworked the framework to allow apps to properly find resources after they were compiled.
- The only apps left from Blur are the Dialer, Contacts and Camera
- AppWidgetPicker - built by boombuler
- Ads blocked via hosts file -thanks to delta_foxtrot2
- 1% battery increments built in (Icons made by thanks to Nitro)
- Themed Dialer, Contacts, Task Manager by me to integrate into the stock GB look and feel
- Reboot options (Reboot,Recovery and Screenshot)
- DSPManager included
- Custom Launcher2 with extra hotseats and speed tweaks (lightest fastest launcher you will ever use)
- Liberty Customizer (choose to add back blur apps)
- Start-up Tweaks (tool to allow you to manager your start-up tweaks)
- Root Browser (full edtion that normally comes with the pro version of the ROM toolbox - no need for Root explorer any-longer)
- Root Toolbox
- 8 Lockscreens (Moto, Rotary, AOSP, 4Tab, Honeycomb, Rotary Revamp, Lense and Rings) with widgets
- Statusbar Tweaks
- Updated gtalk (should fix the 3g/4g issue)
- Updated Camera - credit DroidTho3ry
- Scrolling powerwidgets - credit DroidJunk
Change Log From 1.0 (is also in the ROM)
- Update for new status bar settings
- New lockscreens added
- build.prop tweaks
- Updated Talk, Google Music, Market, etc
- zipaligned apks and jars missing alignment
- Minor theme fixes
- Liberty Settings updated
- Updated Rom Toolbox and Root Browser
- sysrw and sysro scripts added
- Theme Manager added (for donate users, more info on second post)
Liberty Parts
All of these will be found within Liberty Settings > Customization
Lockscreen Settings will give you the option to change your lockscreen within the style menu, and widgets within the widgets menu.
Status Bar will give you control over status bar tweaks.
The battery icon does disappear it just takes time, you can cycle the signal tweaks to get it to go faster.
Battery text will turn green while charging and red when you are at 20% or below.
Hide Alarm goes into effect if the alarm is already set, or will require a reboot..
Known Issues:
I nor anyone in Team Liberty take any responsibility for what this ROM or its tools may do to your phone.
Liberty3 for the D2 2.0
MD5SUM: 2220c1f1606e12083b6b05e1dd479b4a
Option #2 - download rom toolbox -> go to rom manager -> liberty
Install - CWM only
make sure you have root and Clockwork recovery installed
-boot into recovery via Recovery
-select "wipe data/factory reset"
-select "Yes -- delete all data"
-go back
-select "install zip from sdcard"
-select "choose zip from sdcard"
-find and select
Installing Themes
-boot into recovery via Recovery
-select "install zip from sdcard"
-select "choose zip from sdcard"
-find and select
Donate to Kejar31
Donate to Jrummy16
Donate to Syaoran12