[ROM BETA] Fenom ROM Public Beta

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I have been running this for 2 days w/o a single system reboot. I am not a fan of the clunky slidebar so I have been using the goto lockscreen.
Battery life has been fenominal. Lost only about 10% about every 1 to 1.5 hours. Great work.

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First off I want to say GREAT ROM!!!!!!!!! dancedroid :icon_ banana: also can someone post the web site to stagefright. I want to read up on it and possibly install to my phone. Donations will be coming for your awesome work as soon as im back on my feet(two weeks). And last but not least when will the themes start piling on. I like the gingerbread look but I want a theme I can blow my friends minds away with.
Still no random reboots nor lockscreen slider freezes ,altho I like the feel of the one on Liberty better
Im using ADW EX
...and score of 1693 with no 'cheating'

Cant wait for everyone elses roms too, this is like Christmas
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Im thinking the reboot issue is with the phone itself, it acts the exact same way it did while running fission.

sent from my FENOMENAL D2G
I got my first reboot from lockscreen been running it since it came out. Never really had a reboot from lockscreen. Didn't do any tweaks to it ether.
The random rebooting issue isn't going to be fixed. I have the same issue with the stock ROM. Part of me wants to say that the phone automatically is updating the PRL information, causing it to reboot.

FWIW: Mine tends to reboot late at night, though it's certainly possible for it to reboot in my pocket throughout the day and I don't even notice it.
I would suggest sbfing your phone, to give it a clean slate. Might fix the random rebooting
It is possible from what I am learning that the rebooting is your phones way dumping vfs cache. Not sure what that stands for .lol. still researching.
Buy root tools by jrummly16 from the market. It has alot of cool tweeks and will enable you to set stagefreight. Or you can edit the build.prop find stagefreight and change the value from" false" to "true" save and reboot. There are 4 types http, media, ect..

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I don't have reboot problem w/ my fone since the first day it was posted(0.9.2) it works perfectly here,the only thing i have changed is the Gallery,so i installed the multimedia package from Fission(MOTO:music and camera included))using FRM w/o problem...Goodwork FENUXX! My TWO THUMBS up!! :)

So when will be the final release of this Fenom ROM?Jaz askin!! ;)
Thanx Fenuxx...
Are there any themes for this rom yet? Opinions on this rom compared to fission?

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Are there any themes for this rom yet? Opinions on this rom compared to fission?

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There may be,but i think mostly...by porting...But we need to wait the final release..but let's see.....
I was having issues with random reboots too, if you look on earlier in the thread you'd see that I remember having the same problem with fission and it being linked to the gallery app, so I installed fission rom manager and installed the blur gallery. Also don't use any task killers, as that will cause you to randomly reboot as well. I haven't experienced any random reboots since installing the gallery app.

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I don't like the gallery that comes(3-D) w/ the rom so i changed it to fission Multimedia package,but b4 that, i'm not experiencing any reboot problem since the first day of 0.9.2 and yes i'm using Advanced Task Killer for how many yrs...since my MotDroid,but i don't have any problem w/ it,actually it helps me specially when watching videos (closes all open programs that might be or will be a problem while watching the videos),watching videos in 30 min. = 30% of my battery dropped....w/ advance task killer is jaz 25%...I really lav watching videos ya know...ah ah not that!!! :)
Finally had time to put new version on. Contacts loaded good and everything seems to be running good. Battery went down 40% first few hours, but I think that's from loading the new rom and adjusting all the settings and widgets.

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Just curious, other than boosting quad scores, what does stagefright do, and why don't we already have it? I heard it wasn't enabled on the D2G on purpose because it wasn't quite stable.
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