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[Rom]{6.5.11}[ED01] ComRom 2.0 (ukb) *added a few patches


Silver Member
Not my ROM...you all know who to thank.....

Orig link: [Rom]{6.5.11}[ED01] ComRom 2.0 (ukb) *added a few patches - xda-developers

[Rom]{6.5.11}[ED01] ComRom 2.0 (ukb) *added a few patches
Ultimate KangBang 2.0
A Community Rom​

***Welcome to ComRom 2.0! This is an extension of the previous thread here...which I think we can all agree become an unmanageable crapfest real quick

*The op consists of several posts, in my attempt to better manage the rom going forward.

-2.0 is by no means the "final" version of com rom...we already have several things in the works for 2.1+ (sbrissen is a "smali beast" as someone once said)

*So what is Com Rom/UKB then? Basically it was the next stage in adrynalyne's superclean roms which have been going since dl09 (and since dio1 through jt1134). Its a stripped down version of touchwiz (in this case ED01 froyo) with enhancements/mods/themes...basically more functionality.

*3 versions (2 with voodoo kernels, 1 with no kernel)
*includes TSM Parts (multiple lockscreen options, status bar tweaks, spare parts)
*first froyo rom on sgs phone (i think) to have sgs2 lockscreen
*gingerbread themed (about as detouchwizzed as you can get)
*modded gb launcher2
*see changelogs for full list of functions/changes


Major Thanks To:
times_infinity (squash)
bendbowden (wherever you are)
dmitt25 for the tsm picture
the3dman (for gb kb)
all the testers
everyone in #teamsbrissenmod

Personally I dont accept donations (im happy if you just hit the thanks button)...but if you feel so inclined to, adrynalyne and sbrissen are the real forces behind this rom

DONATE Adrynalyne

DONATE Sbrissen

(will be updated as questions/issues arise as well)

Q: Who/What is TSM/TeamSbrissenMod
A: Short version: a few of from xda/irc who work on projects together and generally just hang out in irc a lot
A: Longer version: we started it as a joke (see the early @teamsbrissenmod tweets for an idea), but then bendbowden started making vanilla aosp mods and releasing under the TSM banner. In the lull between ec10 for the mez and EC01/ED01 Adrynalyne asked if a few of us wanted to team up for the next version of whatever rom he did post-superclean and TSM went from there. Its named after sbrissen, because hes ridiculously smart and talented...and deserves all the kudos you can give him.

Q: I'm on RCxx from testing...should I bother upgrading to 2.0 final? I don't want to wipe again!
A: Umm, I guess that depends on what version you are on. If you are on RC1...then I would say absolutetly! The fc bug from sgs2 lockscreen is present and I'd imagine you want to fix that. RC2 fixes that. RC3 fixes the empty space on the status bar where the clock should be after a data wipe. Final version fixes music in the car cradle.

Q: Which version of the rom do you recommend?
A: Again..it depends on what you want. If you are someone who has no interest in overclocking but likes to run some undervolt without having to tinker around, try the pbj variants (try -50 first, then -100...many can't run the latter). If you like overclocking or enjoy setting the steps/voltage then go with the OTB version. Or if you have other kernel preferences just flash the no kernel version and use one of jt1134's kernels, or times_infinity's comavolt!

Q: I don't like how you themed (insert app) or why did you use (insert app) instead of (insert app)!!!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!?!?!
A: Frankly you can't please everyone. Many of the theming decisions or using aosp apps instead of samsung or vice versa just came down to what we (or in theme case me) felt worked best with the rom. I doubt more than a handful of people would run the EXACT same setup (down to each individual apk) if they were given the choice. We try and accomodate people through patches as best we can.

Q: How can I fix the fc on calendar notifications?
A: Go into calendar--settings--select default ringtone...and pick something other than the default one

Known Issues
*deskcradle will not work with roms currently...requires samsung_apps_patch that I will put up soon
*when you first select MIUI lockscreen if you are plugged in, it will say "connect charger" just disconnect and reconnect and its fine
*MIUI lockscreen when plugged in will tend to run your processor at or near maximum mhz. (seems to do this on most phones)...issue will be fixed in 2.1...but you may choose not to use it when plugged in
*LP users, will have an initial issue with contacts..see chopper's fix here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...99&postcount=5
*calendar fc on google cal apt ringtone notification (doesnt happen to everyone, see faq for fix)


6.8.11: added patch for theme miuimusic and compatible car cradle...wont delete sammy music for sgs2 lockscreen, but car cradle wont work with sammy music
6.6.11: added patches, updated faqs/known issues
6.4.11: fixed pbj 50 flash (script was off) and added -100 5/31 pbj version as well

(2.0) Full Rom 6.3.11
*3 versions: otb, pbj, no kernel (voltage control included with otb version)
*otb 1.5, pbj 5/31
*added sgs2 lockscreen
* tw mms for sgs2 lockscreen (themed)
* tw music for sgs2 lockscreen (themed)
*aosp versions of both available as patches (notifications wont work on sgs2 lock with those)
*modded google voice widgets to default to 1x4 instead of 1x3 (launcher2 cant stretch them like adw can)
*tsm protips added
*aosp filemanager built from source replaces my files
*miui lockscreen music controls next button fixed
*ic_menu icons for virtually all apks changed to lighter grey to look better with black menus/popups
*service.jar fixed to allow for default_wallpaper to work…this will get rid of the black/empty background on data wipes and allow themers to change wallpaper that flashes with theme
*latest google maps
*themed tsm android market (not version from 1.0, updated)
*revert to 1.2 swype gb theme, gunnermikes tsm version available as a patch
*stock aosp deskclock added
*removed Samsung clockpackage, info/news widget, thinkfreeoffice (available as patches)
*hide alarm from status bar added to tsm parts
*add time next to date on status bar added to tsm parts
*changed epic lockscreen image to lense image from cm and moved it down to look right...its not the lense lockscreen!
*revert to themed tw browser from modded cm one (too many issues currently)
*fix clock color in status on data/ wipe (previously just blank space)..defaults to white now

Installing Com Rom
1. download rom version of your choice
2. move to your sdcard
3. boot into cwr (3.0 preferred..should work with 2.5 but edify scripts can be nasty with it sometimes..testers say it worked though)
4. wipe data/cache/davlik cache (if you dont, expect issues...and also dont bother bug reporting..we wont help you!)
5. select install from sdcard
6. select rom .zip
7. reboot
8. wait 5+ minutes for phone to boot up (it takes awhile)
9. profit (or not if it bootloops)


for those that don't have the Android SDK installed (or know what it is) Adrynalyne made an awesome tutorial <--- check it out!

For Reporting Issues:
(If you Do Not follow these instruction exactly, we will ignore your pleas for help!)

1) post your exact setup (version of com rom, kernel, voltage settings, any other mods you did flash)

2) did you wipe data/cache/davlik cache before flashing the rom

3) what rom/setup did you flash com rom over

4) what is your *specific* problem...not "omgz ma ****z be borked yo"...that helps no one and frankly is annoying to see...

5) ive said this 500 times already, but hey whats once more? POST AN ADB LOGCAT OF YOUR YOUR BOOTLOOP/FORCE CLOSE PROBLEMS/ETC...it aint hard

cd your adb folder


adb logcat > logcat.txt
-this creates a text file in your adb folder in the sdk (tools or platform-tools, w/e) post it in a pastebin and link the pastebin here or post it from dropbox or something

for the less sdk literate folks (and really im tempted to say if you dont have adb, dont flash stuff...but umm...i wont)

you can use terminal emulator on your phone to logcat (obviously not when booting to diagnose bootloops, but can help with force closes)

logcat > /sdcard/logfile.txt
-this creates a file on your sdcard...copy it to your computer and pastebin/dropbox it


Full Roms w/ Kernels

*Fixed* UKB 2.0 with -50 PBJ Voodoo Kernel ***6.4.11 (script fixed)
md5: 1092A4F02F668521D633670A80BA127C

UKB 2.0 with -100 PBJ *6.4.11 (many phones cannot run this kernel)
md5: 369579739FF3CA10144300B78BFBCC9C

UKB 2.0 with OTB 1.5 Voodoo Kernel
md5: 5118f303b7b32c080c1a7331ca34b936

Full Roms (no kernel)

UKB 2.0
md5: 6e982ed5c98f25383fc80ce1fd48bc6d

(flash in cwr)

gb themed and inverted miuimusic and compatible car cradle (wont delete samsung music): http://www.mediafire.com/?ls6p8dal8a9n6gs *6.8.11

samsung screen capture service: http://www.multiupload.com/V45065Z5OA

non accurate battery version (no batt %) (flash after rom!): http://www.multiupload.com/O1RFG508FF

***updated***tw clock package, my files, and info alarm (deletes aosp deskclock as well): http://www.multiupload.com/Y1IRKTC9PG *6.6.11

aosp music and compatible carcradle (wont work with sgs2 lockscreen!): http://www.multiupload.com/QU38KQMC83

rotating dialer and phone.apk (phone only works in car dock): http://www.multiupload.com/S95MEW048A



***We will be highlighting a compatible 2.0 theme every few days***

Sense Enhanced V4.0 from nitsuj17


Thefunkbot Themes for UKB 2.0:

Touchwiz4 Theme:

TouchWiz4 v2.5 for comm rom 2.0 with Touchwiz status bar: http://www.mediafire.com/?5mvhs7w2hzh7of5

TouchWiz4 v2.5 for comm rom 2.0 with Black status bar: http://www.mediafire.com/?iby6838z3ecq3fe

Crysis Revolution:

Crysis for Community Rom 2.0 w/ Normal battery v3.5: http://www.mediafire.com/?hawa0w7d4ux30zw

Crysis for Community Rom 2.0 w/ Circle battery v3.5: http://www.mediafire.com/?wxwufyxc9knw40b

Gunnermike Themes:

Black Alien Version 4.0

Blue Midnight Version 3.0

Red Volt Version 3.0

White Chrome Version 3.0

Fascinate Detox 2.0

Grainosand Themes:

Blue Steel 2.75

sunder74 themes:

Fascinate Env

nitsuj17 themes:

sense enhanced v4.0
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Stock ED01

To flash this over Ed01 stock, I'd flash Clockwork then just flash the rom in clockwork, correct (with data/cache/dalvik wipe of course)?

I flashed this already on my own phone its amazing. I love the sgs2 lockscreen! I just wish you could change its background, but even the included one is awesome! So is the swype keyboard! Great job guys. Now I'm just trying to flash it on my girlfriend's fascinate so she can unlock her phones true potential
Running the pbj one since it came out with the fix. Fast, stable, and good reception. Finally a Fantastic Fascinate! Now if you mad scientists can make it do my college classes and my job, it would be PERFECT!!! LOL

Sent from my CommRommed Fascinate with the Droid ForumsForums app
To upgrade to comrom 2.0 can I flash through recovery or do I Oden it and when I do that my steel blue theme will that stay on or not thanks guys

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
Flash from recovery, follow the install directions exactly. And your theme if it is for ec01, ed01, or ed03 it should work but before you apply it make a nand backup just in case it gives you problems.

Sent from my CommRommed Fascinate with the Droid ForumsForums app
How do I make a nandroid back up
Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums

Power phone down
Press and hold both of the volume keys at the same time
While holding them, press the power button
Hold all 3 until the phone boots up
Should boot you into recovery
Use the volume keys to navigate down to backup/restore and select with the power button
Navigate to backup with the volume buttons and select with the power button
I'm getting ready to update my wife's Fascinate as it is still an un-rooted version of Froyo.

I'm running OTB1.3 CWR 3.0.2 and ComROM 2.0 un-themed and have been pleased.

Since I'll be installing CommRom 2.0 on my wife's phone, are there any advantages with updating the OTB to Reloaded (1.6) with the latest version of CWR3xxx? or is OTB 1.3 perfectly made for CommRom 2.0?
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I'm getting ready to update my wife's Fascinate as it is still an un-rooted version of Froyo.

I'm running OTB1.3 CWR 3.0.2 and ComROM 2.0 un-themed and have been pleased.

Since I'll be installing CommRom 2.0 on my wife's phone, are there any advantages with updating the OTB to Reloaded (1.6) with the latest version of CWR3xxx? or is OTB 1.3 perfectly made for CommRom 2.0?
OTB v1.3 is an older kernel...i wanna say its on v1.6 or v1.7 now....id update or run PB&J -50uv/-100uv kernels
is anyone having problems with the fact there batteries are always charging even @ 100 percent???
is anyone having problems with the fact there batteries are always charging even @ 100 percent???

I've noticed the oppisite. That is, It will reach 100% charge, then shut off. By the time I get up, the charge is down to, say, 96%.

I assumed/hoped that it would maintain 100% charge until unplugged. Guess this isn't the case.
is anyone having problems with the fact there batteries are always charging even @ 100 percent???

I've noticed the oppisite. That is, It will reach 100% charge, then shut off. By the time I get up, the charge is down to, say, 96%.

I assumed/hoped that it would maintain 100% charge until unplugged. Guess this isn't the case.
you need to calibrate the battery....get bettery calibration in market, charge to 100%, run the app, unplug and run to 5% or less and repeat

you can/should do this once a week or more especially if you flash alot