Reddit Discusses Worst Android Phones - what do you folks think?


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
A thread on Reddit discusses a list of the worst Android Phones. Here's a quote below with some of their picks. Let us know what you think. (Obviously the Reddit thread will have NSFW language so take that as a warning.)

"LG G3 Stylus.. Got it for free with my contract, the screen is ultra sensitive, if a little drop of water touches the screen, itbecomes unusable for a few minutes, even if my hands are sweating a little bit. The Ram Management is terrible, I can't have 2 apps running in the background."

"HTC Thunderbolt.... sweet baby jesus that phone killed my impression of HTC for years... The phone's battery was atrocious even when new, and one day died in 11 minutes (with no usage). On top of that, when connected to bluetooth, if I was streaming music and happened to get a phone call the phone would lock up. Hardware keys, everything was dead, only way to bring it back to life was a battery pull.

I pity anyone who owned or still happens to own that phone.

May the android gods have mercy on your soul"

"Droid Charge. Had the same internals as my old Samsung Fascinate, but was one of the first Verizon phones to support LTE. It didn't matter, phone was so slow you couldn't tell the difference between 3G and 4G. Plus it had something like 1GB of internal storage so that was filled quickly."

"Galaxy Nexus on Verizon.

Absolutely terrible battery life (even with the extended model) and performance. Potato camera. Just bad."

"HTC wildfire, the lag is over 9000."

"Samsung Galaxy Vibrant (Galaxy S). Had terrible storage speed and a flakey almost non useable GPS antennae. Runner up for me would be the HTC M7. Overheated a lot, causing the pink camera issue."

Name your take for the "worst" Android phone and share your experience.
I got the Droid Charge on release. That phone got a bad rap. It seemed everyone, but me, had problems with that phone. It worked fine for me. A few months ago I had to go from using my N5 to using my Charge while I waited for a replacement N5. I dreaded what going so far backwards to the charge would be like. I was surprised that after three years of use (1 year for me and 2 years for my son) that the Charge still worked like a charm. But my Charge was definitely the exception.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
My SO had a good experIence with her Droid Charge as well. I think it's saving grace was the root development on this device. It was pretty solid during it's heyday.

S5 tap'n
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Loved my Nexus was horrible on battery though ..I will agree ..root and custom ROMs helped it a bit though ...

6s Plus
The only bad experience I've ever had with Android phones were Verizon sending a bad last update before abandoning of both my Incredible 1 and Rezound. They both became bricks with their last updates but were excellent devices before that. Battery hogs, yes but performance was well worth the battery hits on both and I actually preferred the extended batteries feel in hand as well.

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Thunderbolt was named thunderdolt after it's release for a reason.
Thunderbolt was named thunderdolt after it's release for a reason.
And I was one of the rare ones who had no issues. At the end, the power button went out but I fixed that by ramming into a wall

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I had zero issues other than battery lasted about 6 hours with the extended battery. LTE was spotty at times too.
I still use my Galaxy Nexus for various things, I used to get about 5hr SoT with the standard battery while strictly using 4G. The battery drain stemmed from buggy software and poor 4G reception.

The device does have crap radios.
I had the Charge and Thunderbolt. The Charge got its name from always having to be on the charger. The Thunderbolt wasn't bad for its day.
I used to use HTC for two months.I don't like it. I think that it's too masculine and always very slow.
I'll agree with the VZW Galaxy Nexus. I had one and at the time I thought it was decent, though I did recognize the reception problem. I remember my girlfriend and I were out at dinner one time while I was still in possession of that phone...she has an S3 (still). We were sitting next to each other and she had 4G connection and 3 bars of voice signal. I had maybe 1 bar of voice and kept switching between 3G and 1X data.

And not to mention the lengthy delays in Android updates, thanks to Verizon's vetting process. While other Nexus devices would receive the new OS updates soon after their initial release, big red dragged their feet on getting that update pushed.

The worst Nexus iteration in Google's lineup, by far.
I think the Nexus S was the worst by far, the Galaxy Nexus just had poor reception.