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No, I am not rooted, and wish I could find the nerve to try. I've used HOB three times with success, but that is the extent of my ability. I"m thinking of trying Pudding Camera. Play store give is 4.5 stars and it has more than 10mm downloads. Why I'm reluctant to spend $1.49 is kind of silly. Thanks for the replies.
I"m thinking of trying Pudding Camera. Play store give is 4.5 stars and it has more than 10mm downloads. Why I'm reluctant to spend $1.49 is kind of silly. Thanks for the replies.
While it does look good, and I don't think it'll be with that app, but "free" apps can cause more of a power drain if they use ads to support them, simply because it has to use data to place that ad. Free, Ad-Supported Mobile Apps Are Killing Your Battery
I would have thought the exact opposite as Sam has such clear instructions. I have not upgraded to HOB 9.5, it's structured a little differently and I get trigger shy. Having said that, I am curious about rooting and will have to do some reading over the weekend. I hate going into these things blindly or ignorantly and will likely accept your offer for help in the near future. Thanks!
While it does look good, and I don't think it'll be with that app, "free" apps can cause more of a power drain if they use ads to support them, simply because it has to use data to place that ad. Free, Ad-Supported Mobile Apps Are Killing Your Battery
Thanks for the link -- I flashed this over the beta KILL Rom and the camera isn't there in the Apps drawer, just a second gallery -- can't launch the camera from that new gallery either --
Yes I am running blurry maxx and 4.2 works great on it. As for that kill ROM, I have not tried it but it looks like it is a beta build so 4.2 camera may not work on it anyway.
Thanks for the info DD & dd --Yes, it certainly is beta and I did flash it after a full wipe -- there's a few other issues that I'm having with it, so it sounds like Blurry Maxx is a good candidate for next flash.