My first reaction to this post was to agree but the more I thought about what you are saying, I think you are misunderstanding what users are posting on here. Yes, when someone chooses to root their phones and tinker around they are taking a risk. However, I personally have not read a single post from someone who is upset about their issues or even remotely blames someone else. We all know we take responsibility for our choices but when something goes wrong, it is perfectly natural for someone to express frustration or disappointment and seek help from others on finding a fix. This is all I have seen on here is users who are having problems and are looking for help. Reminding them of how dumb they were is unnecessary.
If you decided to climb a ladder to hang lights around your house and you fall off, wouldn't you be frustrated by the fact that you now have a broken leg and the lights are not finished? Imagine going to the doctor for help and he just reminds you of how you made a bad choice and have no one to blame.....or worse yet, someone just offers up their unsolicited advice that you shouldn't have done that and it is all your fault........ Completely unnecessary.
On a side note, since my RAZR would not take the update for whatever reason, I figure that will also stop me from getting ICS when it is pushed so I ordered a new one that I will keep as stock for now. The silver lining? Now I have a brick that I can look forward to flashing when a fxz is available and I can tinker with and flash roms on until I am blue in the face and it won't matter. Talk about a good tool to learn on.
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