Well I'm very pissed just to say that. Just wanted to update my rom from 4.1 to 4.2 with JBscourcery or something. Went to backup the current 4.1 codename android. It said it was allowcating space, sat there forever and ever. So I pulled the battery. Wouldn't start anymore. Did a bunch of deleting data/cache and all that. Eventually it started once I cleared data. So then I went to wipe again and install JBsourcery. Finally got that on. Started up all I see are this has stopped working. Setup has stopped working. Can't do anything. Go to reinstall the system, all I have on SD card now is 0/ and legacy/ and obb/. All my **** is gone, 200+ photos, 5 gigs or so of music. So now I have no way to install a ROM. If I plug it in USB and do the mount sdcard option, nothing happens as it's never worked before anyways. The heck do I do? Really can't believe this is happening right now.