question about wireless tether


New Member
Mar 9, 2011
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I just got my bionic yesterday already rooted and ready to run a rom but i kindof like the stock one so i will keep it for a few days just to get use to it anyways i want wireless tether but i dont want verizon to know about it if i just run a custom rom will that take care of verizon or do i need to do something else thanks in advance for your answers
Roms have nothing to do with it. What verizon looks at is your usage. So if u go to from 2gb to like 40gb they might flag your account.

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So verizon cant tell if your tethering from your phone?
I think its your usage. If your
Not crazy with it you'll be ok. On blackberry forums a couple of years ago there was a collage kid who was charged over 3000 dollars by Verizon for heavy usage. So be carefull.

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Yes they can tell. They have an entitlement check and the ability to catch you. There has been rumors that people have been caught,just as long as you are careful and don't go crazy and boost your usage they most likely won't even look at you. Just remember that it is a violation of your t.o.s. and they don't particularly care for it.

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