PSA: T-Mobile Reports Experian's Data Breach [Updated]


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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[Editor's Correction: To be clear, the data breach was actually Experian's. It was not T-Mobile's fault, but T-Mobile reported it, because it was T-Mobile's customers who were exposed by the Experian data breach.]

T-Mobile's CEO, John Legere, reported a data breach that involved customers between 9/1/13- 9/16/15. This data breech includes: name, address, birth date, social security number, driver's license number and passport number (for those who used that as a proof of identity).

This data breech is said to affect 15 million people including applicants. Anyone affected will be provided 2 years of free credit monitoring through Experian.

We have many DF members and staff who may be affected whether because they are a curent customer or have tried T-Mobile's services for a short time (particularly when they started the un-carrier plans).

If you feel you may be affected do not take this lightly. Sign up for the 2 years of credit monitoring. Hopefully this breach does not result in something that will negatively affect someone's life.

Source: A Letter from CEO John Legere on Experian Data Breach | T-Mobile Newsroom
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Thank you for the info pc747! I hadn't heard and I bought my G3 last October on T-Mobile, so I guess I might be in that bucket. We had trouble with one of our credit cards being declined repeatedly for online purchases the last couple of days and our local bank won't let us log in unless I call them first. We just found out about the bank account this evening. It might be all connected so I will be talking with the bank security office tomorrow and signing up with Experian.
I signed up. Tried to sign my wife up and got her birthday wrong so i have to try back later....and deal with the glaring. Her birthday and our anniversary are 4 days apart, I swear she planned it that way to get gifts all year long when I get them backwards. ;)
Signed up this morning.
Let's see. Free 2 year monitoring due to a breech at Target in 2013. Free 2 year monitoring due to a breech at Home Depot in 2014. Free 2 year monitoring due to a breech at Trigon (3 years through Suntrust for this one) and T-Mobile in 2015. Why buy Lifelock when companies I've dealt with this century keep giving me free monitoring because of data breeches?
Thanks for the tip.

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So... it's hard to trust Experian to give you two free years of credit monitoring when they were the ones who had the data breach. It is apparently turning into a big brouhaha.

Please be warned. Under no circumstances will Experian or T-Mobile call consumers asking for personal information. Don't let yourself be tricked.
I signed up. Tried to sign my wife up and got her birthday wrong so i have to try back later....and deal with the glaring. Her birthday and our anniversary are 4 days apart, I swear she planned it that way to get gifts all year long when I get them backwards. ;)
That's a hilarious coincidence. My GF's birthday and our anniversary are also 4 days apart. It can be a mind-twist to keep them straight. lol!
Wow. This is bad. If the credit companies are getting hacked now, is nothing sacred?

We're all screwed. We may as well just all walk around with our PII pinned to our shirts at this point.