PlayStation 4 Firmware 3.0 Will Include Youtube Streaming!


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Oct 6, 2011
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I know this is a bit off topic, but it touches on one of my favorite subjects which is youtube so I really felt the urge to cover it. The Playstation 4 has included built in Twitch streaming from day one which has really helped Twitch to become a powerhouse. Youtube had cornered the market on Video Game demo plays and walkthroughs but really didn't have a viable option for folks to watch live video game playing broadcasts. This is where Twitch pretty much stole the show.

The 3.0 Firmware for the PS4 has leaked out thanks to some Japanese testers. The firmware does include support for built in Youtube game streaming. With the update you will be able to live broadcast to Youtube, post 10 second videos to twitter, playstation plus will be accessible from the home screen, and you will have the ability to set up a sub account. Twitch has built such a large audience it makes you wonder if Youtube will even stand a chance with live video game streams.

via Technobuffalo
From what I'm hearing, this is going to be an addition to the YouTube Gaming service Google has been touting about for some time. I'm not a huge fan of streaming, but I can see how this may be a better alternative to Twitch for some users.