Ordered the Rezound this morning!


Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys I ordered the Rezound this morning after debating between this and the Nexus over the last couple weeks. I honestly wanted the Nexus, but I see way to many threads and reviews about signal issues and the Rezound being 100 bucks less it seems the logical choice.

I have only had moto droids and will be new to the HTC brand, I know over the last few years owning both the OGD and the Droid X I've had nothing but freezing issues with my phones. The X after about 6 months and 4 replacements just keep freezing, and the battery charging port is about to stop working. I don't believe I'll ever own another Motorola phone again unless google buying moto means only moto phones have android in the future.

Anyway I have a few question, how is the Rezound? Is it a quality phone? I don't care about which phone can do more between this and the Nexus, i just want a phone to work without freezing up all the time. Is HTC a good brand of phone? I know not everyone will agree with me but after owning two Motorola droids this Rezound has to be better than what I had. Also will the battery last 12 hours? I work 12 hours shifts and have a 30 minute lunch and two 20 minute breaks, and my droid X would be dead at the end of my shift. I might look at it a couple times while not on break, but during my breaks I'll use it none stop.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope I made the right choice picking this over the Nexus.
I'm very happy with my call quality and reception. The speakerphone sounds a bit robotic but the regular earpiece sounds fine to me.
I'd look at ways to save battery threads because the Rezound can be a battery hog if left to its own devices, worse than most 3g phones.
Coming from Blur, you may or may not like Sense. I personally prefer it over Blur by far.

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
HTC's radios are better than Moto's, and Motorola originally made radios.

You'll be happy with HTC.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
This phone s very solid, great reception. Barely any errors, some people don't like Sense, but other than how much of a resource hog it is, I love it. The phone, if you're only using it at lunch/between breaks/checking it a couple times otherwise should be fine, The phone for me, with constantly listening to music, answering texts, etc. Will last about 6-8 hours, if I'm only checking it for like an hour, and don't have very many things auto-updating, it lasts all day easily.
This is the best phone I ever had. I'm one of those that came from the Nexus because of the reception, and other issues issues. You made the right choice, the Rezound is awesome!
I too got the Rezound. It's simply a great phone. I did buy the extended battery (before I got the phone) but you might not need it. I have absolutely no complaints about the Rez. Great phone.
It is my belief that the Rezound is a solid looking phone. I just got mine yesterday via Thunderbolt and then Bionic. Out of the three, I must say I am impressed with the Rezound. I do miss the kickstand, and the flashlight widget. I might be able to find a flashlight app, but wonder why HTC left that out? I used it one time after dropping my keys in a dark theater and it came in very handy. Other than that, wished it had Gorilla Glass, but you can't have everything. It isn't as much a tank as the Thunderbolt. It is a solid phone, but not as thick as the bolt. Overall, I like the Rezound a lot so far.
Not sure if this is the right thread but:D BEST PHONE AVAILABLE!

You'll love it! Nothing it can't do, the ROM's that are starting to roll out have been pretty sweet.
I just remembered when I got the original droid with the sliding keyboard they had a promotion, buy the Motorola Droid and get the HTC Droid Eris free. I got the original droid and got my wife the Eris, she reminded me how much of a 'POS' the Eris was, so we added two lines when the Droid X came out and upgraded EARLY to those because she HATED the Eris and I'm one of the few I think that didn't like the original droid with the sliding keyboard.

The Eris really was a crappy phone that we had to replace about every 90 days it seemed like. I forgot all about her having that phone when I made this thread, please tell me the Eris was the black sheep HTC doesn't want to remember. I have only had two smart phones myself, the original droid and the Droid X, and honestly I've yet in a little over two years had a smart phone make it over 6 months without constant lagging and freezing issues.

I'm at the point I just want a smart phone to work like it's suppose to without constant issues. I have blamed it on Motorola phones but being I've never owned another brand maybe I'm wrong, I do know everyone I know that is a iphone user claim there phones never freeze up and just work. My brother tells me he will never own anything but a iphone again unless they stop making them.

I've messed around with his phone and I just prefer Android over IOS, which is why I'm hoping this Rezound will be the first problem free smartphone I've had. While I prefer Android to IOS, if I have the issues with the Rezound I've had over and over with Motorola phones and my wife with the Eris I may have to make the switch to iphone.

I know this phone is only about two months old, but any of you guys coming from the original droid and the X how do you compare the Rezound to the Motorola brand phones based on freezing, lagging, and basically just system stability? This is why I made the choice to get the Rezound over the Nexus, to many reviews of signal, data, ext issues.

Maybe future patches resolve the Nexus issues, but maybe it doesn't either. I know you can improve the Droid x with hacks and roms, but I do not know how to do that stuff. I want a phone to just work out of the box without having to root it. I'd love to have custom roms and a rooted phone I just don't know how to do that stuff. That being said I would wanted it hack to customize it, not to get it to work probably.

Sorry about the long winded post, I'm just hoping this Rezound will finally be the problem free Android phone I've been waiting for. At this point I'm pro Android, but sadly anti Motorola.
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The Eris is NOT the benchmark of htc.quality and ability. It was way under powered for what it was asked to do.

Support Our Troops!!!
A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
I loved my rooted Eris more than any. If it had a good screen and could lock onto GPS, I'd still use it.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
I got the Nexus. But after my own experience with it...I want the Rezound instead. ICS is cool...but that will be ported over in no time. Or something similar to it. If you guys know of anyone wanting to trade their Rezound for Nexus...let me know.

Sent from my GalaxyNexus using DroidForums
The Rezound is one of those phones that works decently out of the box, I've had mine for over a month and I haven't rooted yet, Sure I will eventually for the added features rooting gives to any device, but the rezound is definitely not one of those phones that is required to root just to work properly. It's a very stable phone, the only problems I have with an app is when it doesn't support our screen size, or the GPU's framework, which is pretty rare, and will become much less of an issue to this already very small problem soon.