Options and Extras:
The 3rd party apps/apk's provided below are just that, 3rd party apps. They are to be installed at YOUR OWN RISK!!! JMTownsend and myself will be testing these before they are added. We will update the links to the Black Facebook and Black Twitter soon.
Clear Facebook:
Thank you Droid DOES for pointing me in the right direction. And Credit to jatx2wne for the apk.
PLEASE only download the facebook.apk from the link provided. It is the ONLY one I've tested so far.
Just an FYI, the settings in FB are whited out. 3 notification setting can't be read.
To install do the following:
-Remove/Uninstall existing Facebook app/apk
-Copy new facebook.apk (found>>> http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te...on/111070-transparent-apps-whats-missing.html) to the root of your SD card
-Open Root Explorer and navigate to SD card
-Scroll down to facebook.apk
-Long press the facebook.apk file and copy/move to system/apps
-Hit the R/W button so it reads R/O
-Paste facebook.apk in system/apps
-Set permissions to User: Read/Write, Group: Read and Others: Read
-Hit R/O button so it reads R/W, exit and reboot
Clear Gmail:
Credit for Clear Gmail goes to Team Sourcery. This has been tested by me and the same install instructions apply to this as it does for the facebook.apk above. Once again, only download the ones that have been tested by JMT or myself. Clear Gmail Link Here>>>http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te...on/111070-transparent-apps-whats-missing.html
Black Facebook:
Ok guys, want Black Facebook? Here's how:
-Place InvertedFB.apk (found here:http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te...6-its-time-invert-facebook-again-1-5-0-a.html) in system/app
-Change permissions to match other files in that folder
-if you have facebook (mine was titled com.facebook.katana-2.apk )in either system/app or data/app- rename it to .bak
-Open Bootstrap
-Bootstrap recovery(if you haven't done so)
-Reboot recovery
-Wipe cache partition
-Go to Advanced
-Wipe Davlik cache
-Enjoy black FB
Black Twitter:
Ok guys, want Black Twitter? Here's how:
-Place InvertedTW1.05.apk (found here:http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te.../106438-inverted-twitter-version-1-0-5-a.html) in system/app
-Change permissions to match other files in that folder
-if you have twitter (mine was titled com.twitter.android-1.apk) in either system/app or data/app- rename it to .bak
-Open Bootstrap
-Bootstrap recovery(if you haven't done so)
-Reboot recovery
-Wipe cache partition
-Go to Advanced
-Wipe Davlik cache
-Enjoy black Twitter
Screeny's of Clear FB and Gmail below...
The 3rd party apps/apk's provided below are just that, 3rd party apps. They are to be installed at YOUR OWN RISK!!! JMTownsend and myself will be testing these before they are added. We will update the links to the Black Facebook and Black Twitter soon.
Clear Facebook:
Thank you Droid DOES for pointing me in the right direction. And Credit to jatx2wne for the apk.
PLEASE only download the facebook.apk from the link provided. It is the ONLY one I've tested so far.
Just an FYI, the settings in FB are whited out. 3 notification setting can't be read.
To install do the following:
-Remove/Uninstall existing Facebook app/apk
-Copy new facebook.apk (found>>> http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te...on/111070-transparent-apps-whats-missing.html) to the root of your SD card
-Open Root Explorer and navigate to SD card
-Scroll down to facebook.apk
-Long press the facebook.apk file and copy/move to system/apps
-Hit the R/W button so it reads R/O
-Paste facebook.apk in system/apps
-Set permissions to User: Read/Write, Group: Read and Others: Read
-Hit R/O button so it reads R/W, exit and reboot
Clear Gmail:
Credit for Clear Gmail goes to Team Sourcery. This has been tested by me and the same install instructions apply to this as it does for the facebook.apk above. Once again, only download the ones that have been tested by JMT or myself. Clear Gmail Link Here>>>http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te...on/111070-transparent-apps-whats-missing.html
Black Facebook:
Ok guys, want Black Facebook? Here's how:
-Place InvertedFB.apk (found here:http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te...6-its-time-invert-facebook-again-1-5-0-a.html) in system/app
-Change permissions to match other files in that folder
-if you have facebook (mine was titled com.facebook.katana-2.apk )in either system/app or data/app- rename it to .bak
-Open Bootstrap
-Bootstrap recovery(if you haven't done so)
-Reboot recovery
-Wipe cache partition
-Go to Advanced
-Wipe Davlik cache
-Enjoy black FB
Black Twitter:
Ok guys, want Black Twitter? Here's how:
-Place InvertedTW1.05.apk (found here:http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te.../106438-inverted-twitter-version-1-0-5-a.html) in system/app
-Change permissions to match other files in that folder
-if you have twitter (mine was titled com.twitter.android-1.apk) in either system/app or data/app- rename it to .bak
-Open Bootstrap
-Bootstrap recovery(if you haven't done so)
-Reboot recovery
-Wipe cache partition
-Go to Advanced
-Wipe Davlik cache
-Enjoy black Twitter
Screeny's of Clear FB and Gmail below...

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