Open Source: One for all, all for one

I still think there should be the option for 'vanilla' Android on all devices.

Bloatware is out of hand.

I do not want an Android device with any UI overlay. Hence why I have not left my D1.

I think thats all people are asking for. We realize that the bells and whistles are to get the average user buying. But those who may now want the bloat give us the option. Now its a money thing, I am not surprised if blockbuster and other companies are shelling out money to get there apps on phones. So do a trial period of 30 days. After 30 days allow users to remove the bloat apps and choose what they want. Some people like blur. Heck I like most of the blur widgets but dont like the apps i dont use. Options are always better for every one.
Sadly enough I'll probably be one of the people that just "deal" with the bloatware so I can get the latest and greatest hardware. The G2 is nice, but a tegra 2 with gingerbread sounds nicer... Manufacturers probably don't want to give stock options because they want the average joe to get used to their ecosystem. Imagine a person who's only Android experience has been TouchWiz. They may never want to change to Sense UI because its so unfamiliar. They might not even recognize it as Android. Not a terrible strategy, but that doesn't help us any.
My mom has two friends where she works that just got the Fascinate, and they're in love with it. They have no clue about TouchWiz, Android, any of it, and that's really the point of all this. The "power" users aren't the majority, and the carriers/manufacturers know this. The iPhone has been successful for a reason, whether it's "right" or not.

Edit: sorry, got behind on reading the thread... to pc's point, I agree with you completely, man. But, as you said, it's the money. Blockbuster, Microsoft, whomever, shells out money to get their stuff on these phones. They don't want it to be optional. Maybe that'll change down the road, as we really are still in the "infancy" stage of this smartphone world, big picture. But as of right now, the way the dynamic is setup, that's what we have to deal with...
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What i would love to see is a device that almost what i would call a dual boot sytem, and the user is allowed to define which one they want to run. 1 running complete vanilla android, and one running the other one (whichever that is). If given an option I wouldn't mind at all, but the choice being chosen for me is a tiny bit different.

I completely understand where they are coming from with voiding warranties of devices that people have bricked, it's not their fault. Locking the bootloader is just a way for them to try to combat people bricking their phones.