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One click rooting method


The folks over at XDA released a 1 Click rooting process for the Thunderbolt

Here is the link

[SCRIPT] Windows One Click Root Method [3/26/11] - xda-developers

and here is the info

HTC Thunderbolt Windows One Click Root
This is a simple batch file that will guide you in rooting your device.
It is pretty easy to follow along but please take your time and read everything. It has only been tested a few times so please report any errors or issues you find.
Huge thanks to NetForce-TX on IRC for testing along with helping, I owe you!
Also thanks to Jcase for guidance

TeamAndIRC and Captainkrtek (Me) are NOT responsible for any bricks, fires, or damaged/broken hardware due to this process

If you wish to read the batch files contents either open it with notepad or check the pastebin

Instructions are included in the file when running it along with where to get the necessary files.

  • Drivers Installed & Working
  • SDK Installed with ADB
  • Exploits.zip with contents extracted to your ADB dir
  • PG05IMG.zip
  • Downgrade RUU
  • A Thunderbolt running 605.6 or 605.9 Firmware
You can download the OneClickRoot here

I will update this from time to time if needed, If you have issues with the batch file please PM me on XDA or find me on irc.andirc.net #Thunderbolt.
I will not reply to your PM if you want me to help you root your phone!
UPDATE: If SU acts up (IE: Force closes) flash this via CWM

XDA Developers Senior Moderator / News Writer
Need Help or Have a Question? PM Me
Captainkrtek's Github
[SCRIPT] One Click Root - HTC Thunderbolt by Captainkrtek
[ROM] VillainROM - FroydEris 1.7.0 for the Droid Eris by Captainkrtek
[APP] AwayMessage by Captainkrtek & Scary Alien
[APP] NavCalc by Captainkrtek & Scary Alien
[APP] GPSXtra - Samsung Fascinate GPS Fix by Captainkrtek
[APP] Thunderbolt Sound Remover by Captainkrtek
[GUIDE] ADB Workshop and Guide for everyone by Captainkrtek & Adrynalyne
Used this this morning! Works great!! There are a few times where the cmd won't recognize that Debugging is on. To fix, just toggle it off then back on. dancedroid

Thread has been Thunder struck!!
i been reading and following steps, but for some reason i cant get my phone to go to the bootloader screen? it doesnt restart for me.. tried a couple different methods, i unchecked debugging and rechecked it, still doesnt restart on me..
i been reading and following steps, but for some reason i cant get my phone to go to the bootloader screen? it doesnt restart for me.. tried a couple different methods, i unchecked debugging and rechecked it, still doesnt restart on me..
Make sure phone is in charge only.
Hey Guys,

I attempted to root my phone using this method and it looks like things didn't work out. I apologize if I come off as sounding like a n00b, but well... I am. :) I believe my error occured when I failed to rename the new zip file. Since I can't respond to the original thread on xda-developers, I will quote where I believe someone else ran into the same problem as I did:

This part I don't understand. I'm to rename the...._165253_signed.zip to PG05IMG.zip, and then when it asks for PG05IMG.zip, I then DL PG05IMG.zip? The same file name confuses me...sorry. Am I not reading this correctly??

At one step in the process you're supposed to rename that file with the long name to PG05IMG.zip and put it on the SD card, once it is flashed your phone will be downgraded. later on in the process you need to put a different file with the SAME name on your SD card (the other PG05IMG,zip). This is somewhat confusing to have two files with the same name in the end but if you accidentally flash PG05IMG.zip (the one originally named that) first then you may have some issues. Just take your time and follow the instructions

At this point I do not have superuser permissions and I'm wondering if I can just try the process over again? I opened up the one click rooting method script again and at the first step where it says, "If the above number ends in 605.6 or 605.9 then you can root, IF NOT THEN YOU CANNOT ROOT USING THIS METHOD," the "above number" referenced has the following message: "'adb' is not regonzied as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

Do I have to factory reset the phone? Any suggestions? Thank you!
OK, a few noob questions, where do I get the Exploits.zip,PG05IMG.zip & Downgrade RUU files? Do I run adb while in sdk? And at what point in the process is that done?

I apologize for my ignorance, coming from D1 z4root. But I did look for the files, can't find them anywhere.
i havent rooted yet but has anyone had any problems with their phone after rooting it? ive seen that some people had email, 3g problems, and calling problems.
Thanks for the download mirrors and the link. I'm at the point in the video where you have to update the driver to one of the files downloaded. However, in my device manager I never saw the "Other Devices" Adb. Mine already comes up at the top saying "Android Usb Devices"- My HTC. I downloaded the HTC sync so I have the proper drivers for the TB. What I'm wondering is which driver needs to be updated to the "google-usb-driver" in the SDK folder?
Just rooted my TB, and I have to say it was much easier than when I rooted my OG D. I just had to do each step 2 or 3 times, but other than than it was really easy. Now that I have done that, and flashed CWR, I can go in and do my back up the same way I did with my Droid correct? Anyone know if there has been any progress on porting RZR over to the TB?