The folks over at XDA released a 1 Click rooting process for the Thunderbolt
Here is the link
[SCRIPT] Windows One Click Root Method [3/26/11] - xda-developers
and here is the info
HTC Thunderbolt Windows One Click Root
This is a simple batch file that will guide you in rooting your device.
It is pretty easy to follow along but please take your time and read everything. It has only been tested a few times so please report any errors or issues you find.
Huge thanks to NetForce-TX on IRC for testing along with helping, I owe you!
Also thanks to Jcase for guidance
TeamAndIRC and Captainkrtek (Me) are NOT responsible for any bricks, fires, or damaged/broken hardware due to this process
If you wish to read the batch files contents either open it with notepad or check the pastebin
Instructions are included in the file when running it along with where to get the necessary files.
I will update this from time to time if needed, If you have issues with the batch file please PM me on XDA or find me on #Thunderbolt.
I will not reply to your PM if you want me to help you root your phone!
UPDATE: If SU acts up (IE: Force closes) flash this via CWM
XDA Developers Senior Moderator / News Writer
Need Help or Have a Question? PM Me
Captainkrtek's Github
[SCRIPT] One Click Root - HTC Thunderbolt by Captainkrtek
[ROM] VillainROM - FroydEris 1.7.0 for the Droid Eris by Captainkrtek
[APP] AwayMessage by Captainkrtek & Scary Alien
[APP] NavCalc by Captainkrtek & Scary Alien
[APP] GPSXtra - Samsung Fascinate GPS Fix by Captainkrtek
[APP] Thunderbolt Sound Remover by Captainkrtek
[GUIDE] ADB Workshop and Guide for everyone by Captainkrtek & Adrynalyne
Here is the link
[SCRIPT] Windows One Click Root Method [3/26/11] - xda-developers
and here is the info
HTC Thunderbolt Windows One Click Root
This is a simple batch file that will guide you in rooting your device.
It is pretty easy to follow along but please take your time and read everything. It has only been tested a few times so please report any errors or issues you find.
Huge thanks to NetForce-TX on IRC for testing along with helping, I owe you!
Also thanks to Jcase for guidance

TeamAndIRC and Captainkrtek (Me) are NOT responsible for any bricks, fires, or damaged/broken hardware due to this process
If you wish to read the batch files contents either open it with notepad or check the pastebin
Instructions are included in the file when running it along with where to get the necessary files.
- Drivers Installed & Working
- SDK Installed with ADB
- with contents extracted to your ADB dir
- Downgrade RUU
- A Thunderbolt running 605.6 or 605.9 Firmware
I will update this from time to time if needed, If you have issues with the batch file please PM me on XDA or find me on #Thunderbolt.
I will not reply to your PM if you want me to help you root your phone!
UPDATE: If SU acts up (IE: Force closes) flash this via CWM
XDA Developers Senior Moderator / News Writer
Need Help or Have a Question? PM Me
Captainkrtek's Github
[SCRIPT] One Click Root - HTC Thunderbolt by Captainkrtek
[ROM] VillainROM - FroydEris 1.7.0 for the Droid Eris by Captainkrtek
[APP] AwayMessage by Captainkrtek & Scary Alien
[APP] NavCalc by Captainkrtek & Scary Alien
[APP] GPSXtra - Samsung Fascinate GPS Fix by Captainkrtek
[APP] Thunderbolt Sound Remover by Captainkrtek
[GUIDE] ADB Workshop and Guide for everyone by Captainkrtek & Adrynalyne