On my 4th Bionic..


New Member
Oct 1, 2011
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My original Bionic was purchased from the Verizon and worked perfect until 2 weeks ago and then the ear speaker developed a cracked sound and the Verizon store rep set me up with a refurb unit shipped Fedx next day.

This phone arrived and 2 days later with the same issue, and now the third unit shuts down and restarts every two hours, the four candidate arrives tomorrow.

I must have upset somebody in the spiritual dimension.:frown:

I must say that the Verizon phone reps have been more that professional..
Sounds fun! Let us know what the reason is you end returning the 4th one and also what you find wrong with the 5th

Sent from my AXI0M IONIC using DroidForums
Lets hope not. Just blowing off steam. I really enjoy the device and the Verizon service in my area is excellent.
This happened with my droidx. I will never make a warranty claim unless it's something major. It took a month to get a working phone. I changed phone models many times and they all had issues. It wasnt fixed until they let me have a new one.
So far so good. No speaker cracks and the new refurb phone has been stable since 9 a.m.:icon_ banana: