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I recently stopped receiving notifications for text messages, after this happened I tried Go SMS pro, thinking that it was an issue with the system text app, but it didn't help. Hoping someone out there has a fix. Thanks!
Sorry, don't have a solution for you. I've come across this problem lots of times and have always just chalked it up to the provider. I never consider my phone(s) to be reliable in this respect and make it a point to keep up with important matters without relying on phone messages.
1) This one is a no-brainer: but restart your phone if you haven't already. Yes, seriously. Android can get really unstable if it's kept running for longer than a week or two at a time without reboot unfortunately.
2) Make sure you or a rouge app didn't accidentally turn off notifications for the stock messaging app. To do this, hit Text>Settings and scroll down to the bottom. Make sure the notifications box is checked.
3) If that looks good, make sure you have enough room on your phone's internal storage. Android will halt notifications for various apps, including email and text's, if the internal storage get's too low. Check this by opening up the settings menu, and hitting apps. Make sure you have at least 100mb free (I think android start's complaining and acting weird ~20mb free, but more is always better).
Have you made sure you or a rogue app hasn't accidentally turned off your text notifications? It should look like this:
If this isn't it, make sure you don't have Smartactions enabled. Smartactions is a battery saving program that ships with your phone. It's possible to enable it by accident, and it does a number of actions based on how you set it up. One of the actions is silencing your phone for text messages.
If it's none of these, the only other thing I could suggest is a Factory Reset. It's a pain I know, but Verizon will make you do it anyway before you swap the phone out.