News flash DroidForums bans cyanogen

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cereal killer

Staff member
Sam no need to keep going around with them.

He's not banned.

I'm looking at his profile and the option to ban user is right there.

So whatever issue he's having is something that I do not have an answer for.

Lastly, whether this is cyanogen or not. He will be treated fairly just like everyone else. no special emails apologies or phone calls are in order.

The only thing we owe this member is to get them back online because of a tech issue on his or our end.

I'm not up for special treatment of anyone. Play by the rules in this forum or you will be shown the door.

We respect EVERYONE in here and expect the same. Whether it's 1 post or 10,000. From a well respected member to an unknown. We treat EVERYONE equal.


Senior Member
Cyanogen has every right to defend his hard work.... for those that don't know who he is.... do a google search... he is the reason we are all here.

If in fact he was banned, I think he should be contacted right away by an admin here and get it removed and sorted out. His claims are valid and I for one of many support honesty here.

DanDroid, you say it should have been handled in a different manner? I personally did this in the proper manner myself this morning... I just spoke with Miami and he is in fact going to take action to resolve this issue.

But banning cyanogen is a bad move.... it should be removed ASAP and a personal phone call or e-mail to him should be in order.

because he is important? we are not supposed to show partiality to any member, so why should he be different?

Your not seeing the big picture here...... no member should be banned without a warning.... period... if it's out of control and not something you can do, then action should have been taken sooner to prevent this mess.... It's not a new issue.

and yes to add to that... he should not be banned at all... and important is not a big enough word. Think the much bigger then important and no I'm not kidding!


One post from cyanogen got deleted? I beg to differ.
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Senior Member
One post from cyanogen got deleted? I beg to differ.

That post is very clear... cyanogen did not flame anyone.... and this is going to be bad news for DF if it's not corrected.

Thanks for the link... posting now on other sites so the truth can be shown


One post from cyanogen got deleted? I beg to differ.

It looks like a 100% troll. I would imagine that if anyone did that on his forum, his reaction would be the same.

Your not helping your case, your hurting it. He never contributed anything that could be construed as constructive.

I've said it twice now, and I'll say it for the third time. If he wants to come back and follow the rules, we would welcome him. I've just sent him an email to see if we can get him back and give him his own thread where he can post properly.

We'll see if he responds or if he prefers to make himself out to be a martyr.

Either way, the community on this site has been great without him before and I'm sure it will be fine without him moving forward... despite the trolls that are trying to ruin this place for EVERYONE.


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
I am not surprised at this at all even though it is ridiculous. I was banned with no warning for someone else prentending to be me on a different website. The funny thing is the guy on the different website didn't even say anything wrong. When I finally talked to the admin I could tell he knew it wasn't me at all. It makes me wonder what it means at the bottom of the post "Thanks to theadmin (for some Beta Testing and SO MUCH MORE)... especially after some comments he said on the phone. I'll probably get banned for this or someone will edit this post.. lol.. but who cares.


Senior Member
now your censoring us whom are trying to help you here?

come on guys.... step back and look at what you are doing... WOW!

There is no reason to hide this

Let the truth be the answer...

cereal killer

Staff member
Ok gents I'm going to close this one up.

There was no ban on the user and the admins are looking into whatever happened.

This is not the first time a user has had this issue

It's run it's course.
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