Hi, I'm a new Droid X user and have upgraded to the latest software 2.2 and so far things are going OK. I have read the PDF manual, but was wanting to get some advice on how best to set up my home screens. Also, I am not sure but how do I set Google Maps to give me locations and also GPS info and stuff? Is that a different app to download or is it the "maps" program already on the Droid? I also have a problem with my contacts. They are all on gmail and things are OK but I have a Twitter listing and one on gmail too. The problem is, it seems to always want to bring up Twitter because it is "linked". How do I just use the contact info on the gmail account? Any advice for best apps, deleting the ones you find not useful or junk that came pre-installed and in general anything to help me get my home screens organized would be appreciated.