New but will be up and running soon


New Member
Apr 25, 2012
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Hi all, I am deem... just joined here as a result of internet search for where I can solve a current issue but it wont my only reason hopefully I can also contribute soon.

My current phone is Star B63M bought from Cect-shop, its running Gingerbread 2.3.5 and says something like 'W690' inside the phone spec.

I run both windows and Linux but mostly on Linux OS...

Thanks and hope to find friendly people here and less flaming at noobs like me.
Welcome to Droid Forums Deem!! We are happy to have ya with us :biggrin:

Not familiar with your device, I believe we don't cover it. But there is still a ton of Android info to be had!
Welcome to Droid Forums Deem!! We are happy to have ya with us :biggrin:

Not familiar with your device, I believe we don't cover it. But there is still a ton of Android info to be had!

Thanks for the welcome.

Actually, I joined here hoping to solve an immediate problem with the phone and its driving me crazy at the mo'

This is the phone here its htc clone basically and this is the upload [video=youtube;eNBjvlcybs8][/url] by the company I bought it from cect-shop and this is another view of the spec version as they also have that too in b63m.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Did you get your issue resolved?
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Did you get your issue resolved?

Well, yes and no, the initial issue was that I flashed rom and the phone screen went blank, although the phone flashed.

I could not boot back into recovery.

I later was able to flash a boot.img using the flashtool and I got my screen visuals back.

The new rom had issues, and I had lost a few things, my phone which was got a Gingerbread 2.3.5 has changed to 2.3.4, build version changed too etc, Cam not working, and even flashlight not working etc.

After many troubles, I found a mod for w690 which is the build version of my phone, I could not boot to recovery still so I used flashtool and when I load the scatter text of the one I found, it automatically load in every item on the list including recovery and boot img , etc, so I flashed these to my phone... and for the first time I was back in how the phone came to me,

Gingerbread has now returned to 2.3.5.

One current issue I have noticed is that the phone freezes on me and then reboots?

I still cannot boot into recovery, I tried this again using mobileuncle tools...

It seem that I have flashed my phone which is good, but I was unable to wipe cache because I could not boot into recovery to do this which may be the source of the current freeze and reboot.

Can I solve this using the mobileuncle or what can I do to wipe cache, if that is the problem
OK now, I have now load this recovery here Deposit Files
Unpack it and put the content to the root of your SD card.

Use this mobileuncle tools heremobileuncle tools.apk - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download to flash this recovery.

BUT it boots unto a blank screen instead of loading the recovery as in the video here [video=youtube;E0uIPV-vQLw]"][/video]

So I had to take the battery out and start normally, its starting without any boot display just the sound and when I click the power button I get the screen normally.

What is the issue with my screen and with the recovery process.

HELP, do I need a boot.img and which?
It like there isnt so much support on this forum. well thanks anyways
Welcome to the site. You might try posting in one of the help forums. This forum is for introductions and for problems with how to use the site. Hope you get your issue resolved, sorry, but I can't help. DancingNexus