New bug - unplug powers off


Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,

So here is a new bug for me. I didnt see any mention and it just started happening to me.

Last nite I put the Droid in the media dock as I usually do. When I woke up the led was red. I didnt think anything about it until I took it out of the dock. Then the Droid told me the battery was dead and powered off. I powered it back on and the pattery was at about 80%. Weird... I figured I just set it in the dock funny.

Well, while at work I plugged it into the micro usb and into my pc. Same thing, red LED, unplug - battery low message then power off.

I should mention that in both cases I plugged back in and it charged just fine.

Anyone else experience this? I am wondering whether to return it or wait it out.


It happened again last nite while in the car dock. So, I went to the Verizon store and they replaced the phone. He did say "That's a new one." so I guess it's not a common issue.
After Market chargers?
Nope. Droid specific chargers from Verizon. Keep in mind that the first time it happened was in the multimedia dock.