NES emulators and you!


New Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Hey guys,

I'm about to buy my first smart phone and it's going to be the Droid Incredible. dancedroid

Obviously, I'm new to the forum but, I've used the all powerful search function and I think I'm pretty well read up to this point.

From what I can tell, I only want to root for tethering and to have an NES emulator on it. I've found a bunch of stuff on the tethering but not a whole lot on the emulator. So... that must mean that loading the emulator is crazy easy. hopefully.

Anyway, if there's anyone who's got the NES emulator loaded on their phone and wants to point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it!

Lastly, rooting allows tethering without using the Verizon tether app that charges you for the service right? I'm just a little fuzzy on that. Thanks again!!
After you root, download NESoid (doesn't require root) and Wireless Tether (requires root) from the market.

Load your NES roms on your SD card, and when you go into NESoid, navigate to that folder, select your game, and boom
Awesome!!! You answered my tethering question too! Thanks!!!
Ok, phone rooted and playing NES games. I even found an app that lets me use my Wii mote.

Serious Reddit upvotes for you!!!!