Mystery sync and now no GPS!!


Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Just North of Columbus Ohio
As another thread reported there was a mystery sync taking place today. Since this sync I've lost my GPS ability. Google map shows my location as the closest cell tower and GPS status can't find any satellites.

I'm in the Columbus OH area, anyone else having GPS problems? BTW, GPS has been rock solid for months. This plus all setting are on.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
My GPS isn't working right either. I saw the little sync icon for a brief moment yesterday. I can't seem to get GPS to work right now.
I'm in N.E. Ohio between Akron and Cleveland and to the East. It found me just fine, I just tried it.

What's this mystery sync you guys are talking about? Link?
Mine seemed to have resolved itself this afternoon. Strange.
Well mine came back sometime during the night 20th/21stg. The strange thing is that Verizon also sent me 4 copies of 2 text messages that I had already seen. I'll just keep my fingers crossed. :icon_ banana: