This person has done nothing but complain. One has to wonder his real motives any way. No need to keep feeding him...
There is indeed a learning curve with the droid.. especially with no manual in the box.
I've never had an Iphone but based on what i"ve read, its similar to a mac verses an ibm based computer.
If you want things predone for you and easy to use, the iphone may be your ticket.
If you want full tweak-abilities and unlimited abilities then get the droid.
The droid is more like a computer in the sense it will do anything you can get software for.
I"m guessing trust may be shattered if it died and that makes it easy to look for an excuse to change camps.
Nothing wrong with changing camps.. just realize thousands of other people are delighted and you prob just got a freak bad phone and another will be great.
This is newer stuff than the iphone, but because of that its a bit more like beta quality on some of the apps, but if your patient, I believe youll have far greater limits in the future.
With this OS being open source, there is almost no limit to what app you may find that does whatever.... proximity sensors etc??
I wanted to take mine back too about two days after I got it.. I think I was overwhelmed... especially with no manual.... but give yourself time... thats hard to do if your a "want it now" kinda person.
But at least with a droid you won't learn it and be bored one week later looking for another cool toy because of its ability to grow.
And Google is no slouch.... they are always pulling rabbits out of the hat and breaking the norm.... I"m excited at the possibilities in the future too.
You may not have the tolerance to fool with it..... it messing with a computer is a hair pulling experience, then you want the Iphone.
If you love tweaking, then give yourself a chance.