So I was playing on my phone about 20 minutes ago and the battery died. It died kind of suddenly, as a few minutes earlier it said it had 15% left. Out of curiousity I tried to turn it back on, and it actually came on. Normally when my battery dies my phone is done until it's plugged in but this time it came on for about 40 seconds, except that the battery indicator had a red 'x' through it instead of what it normally looks like. The phone died again before it finished preparing the SD card and now since then my phone just reboots constantly at the M logo, sometimes it will make it to the Sapphire logo (my ROM) but it always reboots. It's also NOT letting me boot into recovery!!! Beyond that, I have not made a Nandroid backup in over a week, and I really can't lose this data. Why in the hell would my battery dying cause this to happen? Any suggestions?
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