Okay so I have the HTC Droid Incredible 2 also known as the ADR6350 and I need to know where I can find the drivers for windows 7 64-bit so I can use internet pass through etc. that was problem one. Problem two is when I click on the HTC sense clock it's supposed to take me to the alarm, stopwatch, timer etc. well it's not but before when the phone was new it would that's problem two. Problem three my GPS does not seem like it is fixing onto my location as it should and advice on how to fix this? Problem four when I make calls 98.9% of the time it will say dialing then the call timer will come up as if your in a call but it doesn't ring or anything like the call hasn't gone through and it usually does this 2-5 sometimes 6 times before it actually does anything so is this the phone or is it verizon:unsure: because my relative has the same problem but not as bad as I do and they have the Samsung Fascinate all help is greatly appreciated