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Moto Extended Battery


To those who have the official motorola extended battery for the Droid 2, do you feel that it was worth it? Do you get enough extra juice to justify the price and little bump on the back of your phone?

I'm contemplating picking up one of the extended batteries, or a separate charge for my 2nd battery (when moto replaced my droid with a droid 2 they told me not to send the battery back, so i have an extra). I'd prefer to not swap batteries mid day however.
Honestly it just depends on:

1. If you easily have $50 to drop
2. Your phone usage

Whether you have the extended battery or the stock one your phone is going to kill it in a shorter amount of time than you'd like.

Obviously there is more battery time with the extended battery than the stock so really its just a matter of money.

To put it in numbers...

On the stock battery id be at 50% after around 3 hours
On the extended battery ill be at 50% after around 5 hours

Pros: Longer battery life, physical dimensions of phone not increased that much
Cons: Still find myself having to charge my phone more often than id expect, $50

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
yes i got 1 last week and just tod. its 2:35pm here and its been off the charge since 7:30am and iv been on the net at school prob 3 1/2hrs at the least all together and used the phone for 45min and its just now at 60% compared to last week when it was dead by 11 so YES its worth every penny IMO
I have the extended battery and I feel that it was totally worth my $50 because i'm not always worrying about killing my battery or that it'll die if i forget to charge it one night, definitely a nice investment and a must for a frequent phone user.
I've found it is worth it. As a general rule I charge my phone overnight every night, so I was shooting for a battery that I felt strongly would hold the phone over 1 day, but wasn't worried beyond that. With light usage, I've easily gotten 2 full days out of the extended battery. With average usage, I'm usually at 20 - 30% at the end of the day, and with heavy usage, I was able to kill the battery by 8:00 PM one time.
I can usually get about 14-16 hours out of my extended battery, with moderate to heavy use.
If you care about your battery, you should charge it every night anyways. The more your charge it the better (barring leaving it charging for long lengths of time). To run it down to empty regularly is harmful for its lifespan.

Larger battery means it is less likely to be drained to empty or near empty as often so it will probably end up having a longer lifespan too. Either way, extra batteries never hurt anyone.
I got it when I got my Droid2. For $37.50 (company discount), it was well worth it.

I see others with their Droids having to plug it in to their PC after a few hours, and I don't have that problem.

On busy days, when I can't "play" with it, I go home with 80-90% left on the battery. Typically, I'll go home with 60-70%. The lowest I've ever had it go was 20%, and that was because I left a game running in the background for 3.5 hours.