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These keep popping up and don't know how to fix them! Says I cannot receive text message and I cleared all my message and really don't have that many apps that would eat up the memory. Making me crazy!
Some times this means the on phone storage is low.
To check go to Menu>Settings>SD Card & Phone Storage. The bottom is the Internal, it shows how much is available. If it's low, then you can change your apps and move them to the SD card which will open up more room on the phone.
sorry wrong amount, it says 23.92 available. I am getting incoming text messages and the phone makes a weird vibration but no messages. Sorry i am not a phone geek
No worries. 23mb is pretty low for internal storage. You need to move some of your apps to the SD card. Go to menu>Settings>applications>Manage apps. Now not all apps can move to the SD Card. So you'll have to select each one. After you select an app, under storage, there will be an option to Move to SD Card. If it's not lit up then it can't be moved and move on to the next one. If you get an error message saying unable to move, just press the option again, it'll move. Just do this for each app then reboot your phone. Hopefully this makes sense.
Please explain the reason to move to the SD card? Will I lose this application and email etc. Explain clearing the 'cashe' will this delete everything? Like I told you I haven't used the phone for a whole lot and this is my first smart phone. Just don't want to screw everything up. Sorry for all the questions. Will I lose the icons by moving to the SD card? <G> don't want to appear too stupid
Please explain the reason to move to the SD card? Will I lose this application and email etc. Explain clearing the 'cashe' will this delete everything? Like I told you I haven't used the phone for a whole lot and this is my first smart phone. Just don't want to screw everything up. Sorry for all the questions. Will I lose the icons by moving to the SD card? <G> don't want to appear too stupid
YOu won't lose anything moving to the SD. If you clear the cache, you will lose any information stored in the app so don't do that. Moving to the SD card opens up internal memory. Text messages and certain apps are stored internally so you want as much space as possible.
Thanks for explaining that but all but one of them which I moved already will not let me move to the SD card. The one taking up the most space is the task killer and amazon MP3 which I don't even use. This is so dang frustrating!
It is called advanced task killer and I also have the MP3 app which i don't even use. I thought these came with the phone and don't even text that much but it says text memory low and I cannot get my text messages. I really am starting to hate this phone.
You can't do anything about Amazon mp3 without rooting your phone, which I'm assuming is far beyond your technical ability (no offense intended), but you can definitely get rid of Advanced Task Killer. That app is worthless. It did not come with your phone. Either you put it on or a mindless Verizon tech did it for you. Either way, get rid of it, you don't need it.
Click on Advanced Task Killer: Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > click uninstall
"Thank you" for taking the time to explain all this. Things better!:icon_ banana: Now another question. The emails I have deleted on my phone are in a folder and numbers almost 10,000 WOW, not how do I get rid of them with not having to delete each one individually.
I actually have the same problem with my Droid. I think its a RAM issue with my phone because all the apps that can be moved are and I have uninstalled a ton if apps that are on the internal memory.
The low on space notification will pop up which prompts my text messages to declined and then go away. Also sometimes when the low space notification comes up I'll restart my Droid and when I turn it back on its fine. Its very frustrating, luckily I'm upgrading soon so I don't have too much longer to deal with it.
Also, when I got my Droid, the Verizon guy that helped me downloaded advanced task killer on mine so the same thing probably happened to you.
"Thank you" for taking the time to explain all this. Things better!:icon_ banana: Now another question. The emails I have deleted on my phone are in a folder and numbers almost 10,000 WOW, not how do I get rid of them with not having to delete each one individually.
My 'home' email which is road runner is the main email. I have deleted messages on my phone and they are still there,there is a folder of deleted emails <G> 10,000 of them! Can you get rid of them without having to delete them individually? I am sure this is what is taking up space also.