man have things change since november

have you/ or do you own an apple product

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  • ipod touch/ipod

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Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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When i first went from iphone 3gs to android, I was one of the folks crying about not having itunes and just how user friendly it was over android. I have had the droid for awhile, but today my bro sent me an ipod touch (apple fanboy tryna prove a point to me). And after playing with it for 15 mins I have some takes.

It makes a great user player, feels good to listen to music and not worry about it breaking up and pausing because of the headphone jack.

The itunes thing now just slow me down. I wish I could update my phone through motorola, but being that I am rooted, I update from here. So Itunes is perfect for people who just do not get the file transfer thing. If you are computer oriented, itunes just slow you down.

Apple store, its better organized, but android is catching up.

I need a back button.....nuff said

I could not see buying an iphone ever again after this experience. I would keep the ipod for one reason only. To tether it for music. Other then that its useless imo.
Agreed, I keep telling myself that if an iphone comes to verizon, its going to have to be a hell of an iphone in order for me to switch from android. I havent touched my itouch since janurary(bought DROID then) which I'm upset about but I love pandora too much...

But I believe the best change since launch for droid would be the root access and how much the community has grasped the rooting process.
I agree. The ONLY thing the iphone has over android is the music player and apps. I just think that Android's app store is filled with so much junk, the same apps have been in the top list since December... I hope Gingerbread will change the market approval process..
The only reason I keep my iPod touch is because of iFitness, and it has an equalizer so I get more base in car. But if I had those 2 things on my droid, I would sell my itouch in a heartbeat
I was still using my iPod until I found iSyncr for PC. Now I just sync the playlists from iTunes that I want to my Droid. Until then, I thought I'd never get rid of my iPod. Now it just collects dust. (My iPod headphone jack is "jacked" up anyway.)
i came over to the dark side from an apple 3g. i had only had it for 7 mo. and believe me, it was worth every penny of that etf.
I've never has an apple product, and m not picky about my music player, I think the Droid sounds great. What I do mind is that if I went to a iPod, I'd need iTunes, and I don't want to be locked into one SW product, I want to load my own stuff how and when I want.

Not a flame, Just my own feeling, I'm sure it is a terrific music player.
My first apple product was the 80 gb Black iPod Classic. I just bought a Macbook Pro recently for college and love it more than any other computer I have used. Apple' never given me a reason not to like them. I like the iPhone. People sit here on these forums and bash it as a phone but come on it's still a good device. In some ways better than android. For instance I believe if you are looking for a quick easy, seamless experience, than the iPhone is the way to go. The way I've edited my phone to my liking would blow small minds away as to how to do it. Some of you rooters even more so. Those of us with Androids, even unrooted, really work hard to get our devices to work how we want them too and look how we want them to. That fun, or frustration at times, doesn't exist on the iPhone. iPhones are more consumer friendly than Androids. Both are great devices though, and if the iPhone comes to verizon, depending what's out on Android's front, it will probably be my next phone simply because of the connectivity between it and my mac.
My friend just got an iPhone 4 and was telling me about things like not being able to change notification sounds... and I showed off my fully themed, Cyanogen rom.

The differences are obvious lol. I mean if I were forced to use an iPhone I wouldn't jump off a cliff but the differences are obvious.

Although I wish my animations and transitions were as smooth as his iPhone. Just don't wanna sacrifice what they do to get that.
I still use my ipod in the car and at the gym but that's about it. It still works great and I can control it from my car stereo so it's very convenient.
You forgot about the iPad.

I can live with the music player on the Droid and I was never a big fan of iTunes. I just wish there was some decent transfer software for the Droid. I know how to setup file systems and I have no problem doing that, it is just remedial at this point in the industry.

The BIGGEST boat I think Android is missing is the ability to support 3rd party hardware. With Apples proprietary connector it allows you to do so much more with after market equipment. Between docks, radios, car mounts, etc it doesn't matter where I am, I will always have a way to listen to my iPods. I wish I was able to walk up to a Bose radio and drop my Droid in the dock and hit play. Unfortunately with the USB connection, I dont know if that will ever happen.

And for the people saying they will never own an Apple product, I have a feeling if the iPads were to drop to a couple hundred bucks a few of you guys out her would jump on that band wagon. Give credit where credit is due, Apple has some great products. I don't know if Android would be where it is today if it wasn't for the iPhone. The iPhone is a great device, whether it is for you or not. Its just a shame it is on such a terrible network.

EDIT: I will also add this, but again it is more of a shot at AT&T then the iPhone. I have an iPhone 3G that I have been using as an iPod Touch. Everything has been working great and the device works just like an iPod Touch would, but with a camera and decent speakers. Well I made the mistake of upgrading the device to iOS 4 a couple of weeks ago. After the update was complete I wasn't able to get past the activation screen since the phone didn't have a SIM card. So I call AT&T and there is NOTHING they can do. I can't buy a dummy SIM and they wont do anything to get the phone past the activation screen. So I asked if I had a 3GS and upgraded to an iPhone 4 would I not be able to use my 3GS. The AT&T rep said I could use it, as long as I never upgraded it. If I upgraded the 3GS to iOS 4 then I would not be able to use the device any longer. WHAT A CROCK! Even though there wasn't a jailbreak for the iOS 4 on the new iPhone, there was one available on the older hardware. So I was able to jailbreak and get past the activation screen. But I never heard such horse poop!
It's ][e, not 2e. Consider that an old-school nitpick, not an Apple fanboy nitpick.

But that's the only Apple product I've ever owned (and still do; it still ran the last time I unpacked it and set it up). Even back in 1983, I wished it had been a PC instead of an Apple.
The BIGGEST boat I think Android is missing is the ability to support 3rd party hardware. With Apples proprietary connector it allows you to do so much more with after market equipment. Between docks, radios, car mounts, etc it doesn't matter where I am, I will always have a way to listen to my iPods. I wish I was able to walk up to a Bose radio and drop my Droid in the dock and hit play. Unfortunately with the USB connection, I dont know if that will ever happen.

Well most of these 3rd party hardware aren't made by apple. So it's not Verizons or Moto's fault there aren't many docks. Even with my Sandisk Fuze MP3 player (that I ony use at night to fall asleep to currently) has almost nothing on the market, I had to find online a docking station (with no speakers).

I don't own an Apple product. Never have. When I was looking for an MP3 (my env2 phone just didn't cut it for music) I didn't want an Apple product. I looked at them, but just couldn't justify the cost for the brand name. I found out my Fuze was the better deal then my coworkers iPod that was the same size, idea, etc. Except mine had a memory card slot, FM radio, voice recording... her's didn't. And I could use a variety of ways to transfer music and then transfer to my home netbook if I wanted to listen on that.

To transfer music to my droid, I've used Windows Media Player, rip and sync. For playlists I find the free version of Media Monkey sufficient.