LP Facebook Widget Timestamp?


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I did a quick search to see if I can find an answer, but coming up empty..... Having an issue with Launcher Pro Facebook widget. It would appear that when I compare the widget to my actual Facebook account, the posts on the widget are all out of order, and times and dates are way off. I got one post from a friend on the widget which had a time stamp of Saturday 6:17pm, when in fact on Facebook itself, it says it was posted on Sunday at 7:17am. I know that Facebook is correct, since my friend specifically mentions that its Sunday morning......Any Ideas? LP Plus Transparent version 0.8.3, Liberty 1.5. Thanks in advance!
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I have had a million issues with liberty 1.5 and launcher pro plus... Finally figured out that it hates the launcher pro widgets... I was fcing every 5 min, tried the same themed version ur running also... Just remove them its not worth it.

I also sent a report every time 100s of them... Bet there's a pissed off man in chili wondering where the hell new hampshire is lol
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