Someone added me as a friend on Facebook yesterday, and I accepted her friend request, and I've logged into the Facebook app on my Droid several times since then, but she still doesn't appear on my Droid's contact list! Is this normal?
Also, I noticed an issue with this forum - I'd post it in the appropriate subforum, but I can't find said subforum! I tried to log in using the login widget in the upper right, IT SHOWED MY PASSWORD IN PLAINTEXT AS I TYPED, and my login failed, so I used the login page I was redirected to after the failed login, but then the same login worked! Did someone perform an XSS attack on this site to capture passwords or something???:icon_eek:
Also, I noticed an issue with this forum - I'd post it in the appropriate subforum, but I can't find said subforum! I tried to log in using the login widget in the upper right, IT SHOWED MY PASSWORD IN PLAINTEXT AS I TYPED, and my login failed, so I used the login page I was redirected to after the failed login, but then the same login worked! Did someone perform an XSS attack on this site to capture passwords or something???:icon_eek: