ok, so I'm new to the droid Market. Had the Thunderbolt. Too many problems..I love my Droid3. But a few days ago, I was charging it overnight. In the morning, unplugged it. I noticed the phone was hotter than usual. But just thought it was me. Went to work. About 2 hours later, my phone was so hot to handle and the battery life was at 10%. Almost like an app was running constantly and was searching for a signal or something. I had wifi turned off. Anyway, shut phone off and pulled hot ass battery out. let it cool for an hour. Reinstalled battery. Rebooted, and now no problems. My question is could this had hurt anything with the phone? Performance wise and so on? Even the screen was hot. Also since this happened, when the phone is in sleep mode and the screen is black, when I go outside and the light hits the phone, I can see all the little squares in the screen. I think this is from the qhd pentile screen. And is normal. Just never noticed this before. But just parnoid I guess. I'm the kind of person when something goes wrong with an item I worry it does not peform the same or i now want another phone. Just curious if an of you had this problem anyway. Thanks for any info. Other than that love the Droid 3..