"Late night, off topic, bored, chat" thread.. ;)


Premium Member
Premium Member
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
dirty dirty
So you can post here for whatever, just to kill time..

I thought this was funny:
I LOL at girls and guys around these parts that get the Chinese & Japanese symbols....

1. They aren't Asian.

2. They don't read a lick of any other language.

3. Have spoken to many Asian exchange students that have been in tattoo shops and told me that what meant love or faith.. REALLY meant Cow or Ox... (And everytime I meet a new asian buddy I bring this up.)


My 2 cents..
Ha! Yeah I know a guy who has "refridgerator" on his shoulder. Tool.
yea i dont know how people do that like if your not part fo that culture just accept it and move on lol or at least have a friend coem with you that can actually read it
I had to pay $1366.66 today to fix my car.

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I once baught a block of cheese that was really old. I ate it.
If it was old enough it would be premium bleu cheese.

If it's not HD it might as well be a newspaper.
Suppose to be a partial solar eclipse today, but the pesky clouds are in the way. :mad:
Clear here and I've checked a couple times. Wasn't it supposed to from 1:15 to 2:30 PDT?

sent from my XT1080 using tapatrash
Whatever 4:30 Central is. I'm sad the "last post wins" thread got shut down.