Just got the best deal ever!!!!


Nov 4, 2009
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Just got the best deal ever!
Alright, Monday of this week I went to Best Buy and pre-ordered two Droids, one for me and one for the wife. Did this for $50 prepay on each. Well, I went to Best Buy on Friday at 10a.m. and picked up my Droids. I am switching over from AT&T to Verizon, so two new 2 year contracts for me, yeay! LOL. Anyway, I walked out of the store paying $431 and some change (2 droids, 1400 select family talk plan) $199 for each phone.

Well me and the wife played with them all night it seems. Then I noticed that her phone, the back light would not stay off, after checking all the appropriate settings decided that this thing was faulty. This thing would just stay on even when I pushed the power button momentarily to put it in sleep mode this thing would just come back on after a few minutes, that is no good. Also, on mine when you opened the camera app it would just constantly click...

So I decided to take these back today and exchange them for new ones. I also printed out the sears ad for $149 to get price match. The chick behind the counter said "no problem" to the exchange. Then I presented my Sears ad, and to my surprise she said that she could beat the $149 price tag. She told me that Verizon stores where offering the Droids for $49 dollars!!!!!!!!!!! And that she would give me that price!!!! So I walked out of there smiling with my 2 $49 dollar Droids. Me and the wife were talking in the truck afterwards, and I told her that I did not believe Verizon was offering these for 49 bucks. So we went to a Verizon store acting like we did not even know what a Droid was, to gather intel.... The best they could do was $249 with new contract and offer a $100 mail in rebate for a total of $149 (six months down the road when rebate check comes in).

So I just wanted to share, this awesome experience with you guys and ask:

Have any of you had anything like this happen?:)

Should I feel guilty, knowing that this chick messed UP???:icon_ devil:
:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:
Please respond!!
Just got the best deal ever!
She told me that Verizon stores where offering the Droids for $49 dollars!!!!!!!!!!! And that she would give me that price!!!! So I walked out of there smiling with my 2 $49 dollar Droids. Me and the wife were talking in the truck afterwards, and I told her that I did not believe Verizon was offering these for 49 bucks. So we went to a Verizon store acting like we did not even know what a Droid was, to gather intel.... The best they could do was $249 with new contract and offer a $100 mail in rebate for a total of $149 (six months down the road when rebate check comes in).

Run....run very very fast. That is an amazing oopsie.....I know you probably feel guilty, but I doubt she will lose her job over it.

Hope these other two Droids have no defects.
Yeah I hope they work out. I would hate to have to take them back and then they try to fix there mistake... I don't think they can do anything though. When the palm pre came out there was some best buys making the mistake for selling them for $99 instead of $199. I remember reading something about Best Buy chairman commenting on the mistake saying that there was nothing that could be done. But, still don's want to risk it.
Wait..WTF? I bought mine at Verizon store.. for $299.. with 100 rebate. I got 25% off on all extras (dock, charger and car cradle), but how did you get the extra $50 less? I came over from iPhone too! I want that $50 extra back!! What did you say to get that? That sux that they give different prices to people.
Wait..WTF? I bought mine at Verizon store.. for $299.. with 100 rebate. I got 25% off on all extras (dock, charger and car cradle), but how did you get the extra $50 less? I came over from iPhone too! I want that $50 extra back!! What did you say to get that? That sux that they give different prices to people.

Don't know man. I walked into the store and the $249 w/mail in rebate is what was printed on the paper in front of the display.

But, I got mine for $49....Still in shock, and I love it even more....:rockon:
Jonesborro, Arkansas

Thats right Arkansas, let the jokes roll..................

Thanks. And the first joke ought to do something with Arkansas spelling education. ;)
Hmm... I wonder if you posted a copy of your receipt whether my Alabama-educated Best Buy clerks would pricematch it.
Jonesborro, Arkansas

Thats right Arkansas, let the jokes roll..................

Thanks. And the first joke ought to do something with Arkansas spelling education. ;)
Hmm... I wonder if you posted a copy of your receipt whether my Alabama-educated Best Buy clerks would pricematch it.

I can send it to you in a private message. That will have to wait till tomorrow, I have got to get to bed. Work!:mad:
this is the best thread I've read on here all day!! Some people just have all the luck!! Consider this that stimulus package congress was raving about that people were supposed to get. I wouldn't say a damned thing, hell wish I could of sweet talked that lovely lady behind the counter to do teh same for me, unfortunately that did't happen, oh well, at least I scored me a Droid!

:icon_ lala:
I got mine FREE!

Ok here is what happened: I was up for my new every two, but Verizon was pissing me off with their crazy extra charges, plus you get different deals and advice from different customer service reps! I'm specifically talking about plan changes.

I called to complain and have them investigate my plan because it seemed too expensive, it was; I had a Treo st this time. During my complaint session with the 2nd rep (the 1st was no help), I inquired about the Droid and my upgrade window.

She helped me by pointing out if I order the Droid online I will get it for $100 off instantly and I will get another $100 off for the new every two upgrade. This left $49 as the purchase price!

I then played the card of my dissatisfaction of the Verizon plans and bad advice of previous Reps. Of course i was very nice to her! She offered a $49 credit to my account if I purchase the Droid. New price = FREE!

Also, if you go to a Verizon store, they usually offer a deal on accessories. If you pretend to purchase 3 accessories for your wife, or family member and simultaneous consider out loud (nudge nudge) your interest in the Droid; you will be offered a deal or you can ask. The deal; $10 off each accessory if you are buying 3 at the same time. The further interest in the Droid my score you another 10% off that price. Not a typo: you can get $10 off EACH accessory if you buy 3 at one time and 10% off that price id you convince them you want to buy a Droid if your loved one likes these accessories!

Car charger reg. $29.99 me $14.99
Cover mount combo reg. $29.99 me $19.99
Dock reg. $29.99 me $19.99

Subtotal: me = $54.97-10% = 5.50 = $49.57

She even rounded up the discount :)