Jealous...very jealous...And I'mma tell you why

Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Sin City, NV
Ok so I updated my ROM this morning. Had to go in and re-download all my apps.

Did the update on my roommates phone went into start re-downloading all her apps and they were already downloading back onto her phone.

Um...jealous. Anyone know the difference and why her's did that and mine didn't?
It's a Google/Market thing......

One day you will flash another ROM and then YOU will reap the benefit

Don't think I ever welcomed you to the forums...

Welcome aboard : ) I gotta be on Google/Market's "special"

Thank you. I'm happy to be here.
You gotta have sync enabled and let Google backup your stuff and be on a FroYo ROM. One of the perks of FroYo is the auto-restore. My phone did it when I first updated to FroYo AND when I went from there to CyanogenMod 6 RC-1. I didn't need to wipe for RC-2 but I'm pretty sure it would have done the same thing. ;)
auto-restore has been aroun since at least 2.0. it is not something new with froyo, and does not require a froyo rom.

my apps always reload on their own, my friends never did. i went in to his settings>privacy> and unchecked back up my data and automatic restore (they were already checked). then i waited a few mins, i didn't know if anything needed to sync or not, and then rechecked them. ever since, his apps always auto restore now. worth a shot.
MIe did the same thing. when I rooted to 2.2, all my apps were still there on the phone. All I had to do was redownload launcherpro and swype and reset my home pages and setting.

Since when do chicks get jealous?

Oh wait, forget it... My last ex was a freakin crazy jealous nutcase.
auto-restore has been aroun since at least 2.0. it is not something new with froyo, and does not require a froyo rom.

my apps always reload on their own, my friends never did. i went in to his settings>privacy> and unchecked back up my data and automatic restore (they were already checked). then i waited a few mins, i didn't know if anything needed to sync or not, and then rechecked them. ever since, his apps always auto restore now. worth a shot.
Really? I remember reading a LOT of people very surprised that their phone was synching back up with the 2.2 update even when they'd been rooted/running custom ROMs/etc. Must be it was a bit spotty, then.