My Bionic is bone stock, while my son's is rooted - though otherwise stock. No show stoppers here. Though we've had the black screen of death and 3g/4g confusion, this is still an excellent phone, at least the way we use them and where we use them. We do have LTE here. I realize others may have different situations, and may have had bad phones - but a lot comes down to expectations. I've been in the computer industry for 35+ years and realize that to have non-boring technology means that there will be issues. By the time all of the issues are worked out, it's just boring outdated crap. If anyone remembers the Treo debacle, patches were slooooow in coming, bricked phones, and by the time they got out a working patch (which never seemed to address the most glaring issues) the Treo was being replaced with the Centro, and it went the same way. Compared to the Treo/Centro we have it pretty good. I believe that many of the issues are the tower firmware, not the phone - and there have been reports of vast improvements in some regions.