issues with WiFi tether after 4.04/6.16.211 install and re-root.


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
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This is on a razr maxx

I installed the OTA from this thread:
then re-rooted the phone using the V7 of the razr utility.
I then installed some of my apps that require root... (AdAway, WiFi Tether).

I set up WiFi Tether exactly as I had it before, but instead choosing "generic ics" for profile because it wouldn't start the adhoc mode. Superuser Allow is remembered for both disconnect and connect.

When I connect, via laptop to the phone. I get no notification that anything is connecting, the laptop states "limited connectivity" and I can't get out at all. What I've noticed is before, when tether was active both my WIFI icon and 4g icon would be lit. Now, I only get the 4g icon, with no wifi icon.

I tried foxfi and it fails and says to use "bluetooth mode" which still doesn't work.

Is the OTA locked down even further than previous versions for tethering? Does anyone know of a work around?
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Yes, it doesn't see "ad-hoc" in the conventional tethering apps any more. There will probably be a fix for it eventually. There is an app in the Play Store that will allow you to hack the actual Mobile Hotspot ... the app is $2.99 ... well worth it and worked like a charm for me. I'm rooted and tethered and using the real Hotspot app. :icon_ devil:
I am having the same problem. Rooted just the ota update and now unrooted. What was the name ot the app you installed? Is that all you needed?