Is there an book reader available...?


Nov 9, 2009
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Gotta have me audio books on the drive to work... don't see anything avaialble on their site yet... anybody know of something? :)
Not yet

Not yet. I just sent them an email asking for an app. I've read elsewhere that others are doing the same. If we keep up the pressure, I'm sure they'll get on it.
Not yet. I just sent them an email asking for an app. I've read elsewhere that others are doing the same. If we keep up the pressure, I'm sure they'll get on it.
I agree. I just sent them an email requesting support for the Droid - hopefully they will receive enough requests to get it done.
Here's the response to my email to audible customer service:

Thank you for contacting Audible. I do apologize for any inconvenience but will be able to assist you.

I understand that you would like to know if you will be able to use the Motorola Droid to download the books to. Unfortunately, at first the Android OS will not be audible ready. The technicians have said that they are looking in to compatibility but no definite word whether it will be or won't. We have been recording requests about the new phone so the technicians can discuss with the different manufacturers about creating an application or some kind of software to allow the play back of the audible books. I will be sure to forward the email to the techs so they know of the request.

Should be a wake-up call to any Audible subscribers, flood audible with your request for android support!!
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I just got off the phone with They are planning to release a Droid app sometime in the next few months. I put my account on hold until then.