This seems to good to be true. A new "Pre-Kickstarter" page has surfaced promising to add an IR Blaster to any smart phone. This is perfect timing as the Galaxy S7 removes the feature that was loved on the Galaxy S6. The BOBO Eye is a stick on bluetooth controlled IR Blaster that works with both iOS and Android.
With the BOBO Eye you can use your phone to control your TV, DVD player, Blu-Ray player and pretty much anything with an IR receiver. The way this works is you attach it to the back of your device, connect it through the app, and add your device via bluetooth. This seems pretty simple and the little device doesn't look half bad. The only issue I can see is you aren't able to use a case, unless of course you stick the eye to the case? There are lots of details left out here, and this seems to still be in beta stages. Who knows it may turn out to be vapor ware. This is a cool idea none the less. Head to the link below for more info.
via EyeKickStarter