iPhone 6 plus vs Galaxy Note 4


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A lot of it really does boil down to what you're used to. I jumped on the android train when the first one came out, even though the iPhone was available already (not on my carrier of choice, however).

I'm an IT guy and the guy who everyone I know calls for support with a large variety of devices, but I do my best to stay away from iDevices. When I do end up having to help someone do something on an ipad or iphone, I feel the pain you mention, but I'm convinced that that's only because things aren't where I feel they should be and/or don't work like I feel they should. But, if I had chosen the other path, I think I could see the same issue with android.

I do, however, believe that my own personal tastes would've led me to android eventually anyway, but I guess I'll never really know.
I progressed from Windows XP to Windows Mobile to Android in its infancy. Froyo was so press/copy/paste like that it just seemed natural to progress with each. With ios it was press/copy/open other app/paste in other app that cost $5. It's like I saw my wife had a text on her phone icon when she said she was expecting one from her boss. She said "oh that's not a new one that's where I didn't have Wi-Fi or data network on and it didn't send". I said "it should send over the call network". She said "true, IF I tap send as text". Whuuuuuuhhhhh? I asked my older daughter, she said "yeah that's how it works on iPhone because it defaults to iMessages, I just tap send as text each time." Whhhuuuuhhh?

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I progressed from Windows XP to Windows Mobile to Android in its infancy. Froyo was so press/copy/paste like that it just seemed natural to progress with each. With ios it was press/copy/open other app/paste in other app that cost $5. It's like I saw my wife had a text on her phone icon when she said she was expecting one from her boss. She said "oh that's not a new one that's where I didn't have Wi-Fi or data network on and it didn't send". I said "it should send over the call network". She said "true, IF I tap send as text". Whuuuuuuhhhhh? I asked my older daughter, she said "yeah that's how it works on iPhone because it defaults to iMessages, I just tap send as text each time." Whhhuuuuhhh?

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There is a setting that will automate the distinction between iMessaging and regular texting... Doing all of the footwork for you. It is under Settings, Messages, Send as Text. If she toggles it on then she shouldn't have to ever resend it manually. It's unapologetically magic.


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I was using an iPhone when the first android phone, the T-Mobile G1, arrived and I knew straight away that it was a superior system even though at the time it had a smaller screen
I used both in tandem for a couple of years until I became tired of the limitations of the iPhone and the rapid improvement of Android made it obsolete.
I feel that the iPhone has just become a fashion accessory.


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There is a setting that will automate the distinction between iMessaging and regular texting... Doing all of the footwork for you. It is under Settings, Messages, Send as Text. If she toggles it on then she shouldn't have to ever resend it manually. It's unapologetically magic.
I guess this will sum up my feelings of Android vs ios. Android just clicked whereas, like your explanation above, I'm just thinking "why?" Sure I know there's iMessages involved but I've been using text messages LONG before there was an iPhone or Android and never have I even thought about needing my Wi-Fi on or change a setting to not need it on. It's always been part of the phone, used the phone radio, tap send and it's gone. Why an app that by default changes that? Why not iMessages as a separate app like Google Voice , Text+, etc? I just don't get ios as a concept I guess.

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Mar 1, 2011
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The debate & name calling stage of this conversation are over. Feel free to share your feelings, but we won't have that kind of back & forth here if it's reduced to attacking each other.

We're all family here.

To each, their own.

Not saying you're in the wrong, but let's let bygones be bygones at this point.

Sent from my Note 4 via Tapatalk
Agreed, I didn't take anything personal, just good ole fashion debate. But will respect what you have said Johnny Kansas

Jonny Kansas

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Not trying to dampen the debate by any means. We've just seen too many of these friendly debates turn into ugly flame wars, so I figured I'd be the party proper and stomp out any chance of this happening. This is a good discussion & I'd hate to see it put to a complete stop.

Thanks for the consideration.

Sent from my Note 4 via Tapatalk


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The camera does a nice job. It may even out perform my G3 in certain conditions. Apple does know what to provide their fans as I see a lot of iPhone selfies around.
This camera is just a Beast. And the screen, I know the Note 4 has 4K, but this 1080p is just plain crazy good.