Installing a custom rom...

Ouch! I believe you can restore your backup and export your contacts to your sd card, reflash the ROM, and then import them from your sd. Did you have Backup Assistant?

ok.. so it only restored 4 of my contacts

DroidForums Junkie!!
actually. i dont have backup assistant. in titanium backup it shows up but there is a line crossed through it and my only options are to delete the backup.
Ahhhh...your ROM is Blurless! Ok, repeat the Bootstrapper steps to get back into CW. Once there, go the same way you did to make a backup but choose restore instead. Select your backup and restore it. Once you're back on the stock ROM, go to your contacts, hit menu > Import/Export > Export to SD card. Then, re-install Gummyjar and do the same thing but choose Import from SD card and all should be well.

DroidForums Junkie!!
fixed! thanks man! i have one more question. i was looking at other roms, and there are multiple download links. some say themed and unthemed. what is the difference?
No problem ;)
The unthemed versions look just like stock; themed versions are different colors.
For example:
Themed lockscreen by the Theme Queen (Corinacakes)

fixed! thanks man! i have one more question. i was looking at other roms, and there are multiple download links. some say themed and unthemed. what is the difference?

DroidForums Junkie!!