Am I the only one who cannot get the ICS leaks to create or find a new Baseband?
Need suggestions. I have tried to do two leaks using recovery, both loaded fine, but neither found any service. On .232 when I checked "About Phone" The Baseband version showed question marks.
I was on .902, rooted but clean, when I loaded SafeStrap but never used it. I uninstalled it and deleted all the files I could find prior to trying the first recovery. After OTAing .905, I tried the first recovery (.2233 i believe). When the radios failed, I FXZd back to .902, OTAd .905 and reset all my applications. Everything worked perfectly as before.
A week later after scouring various forums, I decided to try .232. Yesterday I followed the instructions, including clearing cache while still in recovery menu. When recovery was complete ICS opened but with no Baseban version and no service. The CPU did show 1.2Gh. WiFi worked but no phone or 3/G/4G services. The system was laggy and some apps froze. I waited for about 40 minutes before trying a reboot. Then tried again. Still nothing. ICS seems very nice but is useless if I cannot use the phone.
Finally, I FXZd back to .902 and when it rebooted with a Baseband (CMDA_N_04.07.00R LTEDC_07.1F.00) and phone 3G/4G operating, I plugged the phone and spare batterys into chargers and went to bed.
At this point I am concerned that there may be residual files that are preventing a good ICS recovery (including a future OTA). I see a recovery folder on my sdcard-ext with "hijack", "Logwrapper" & "update-binary" files along with a Are thes typical for a recovery folder or could they be residuals from SafeStrap? Can I delete the contents safely?
I am considering doing a full factory reset, but would like advice prior to taking that step. If I leave the sdcard-ext installed when doing a factory reset, will it erase the contents? Should I pull the card a reinstall it after the rest?
I know I can get back "on the path" and OTA .905, but worry about a future ICS OTA. My goal is to install the ,232 leak and insure it works on my phone. At this point, I believe I have followed all the correct procedures, but would appreciate some help. :blink:
Need suggestions. I have tried to do two leaks using recovery, both loaded fine, but neither found any service. On .232 when I checked "About Phone" The Baseband version showed question marks.
I was on .902, rooted but clean, when I loaded SafeStrap but never used it. I uninstalled it and deleted all the files I could find prior to trying the first recovery. After OTAing .905, I tried the first recovery (.2233 i believe). When the radios failed, I FXZd back to .902, OTAd .905 and reset all my applications. Everything worked perfectly as before.
A week later after scouring various forums, I decided to try .232. Yesterday I followed the instructions, including clearing cache while still in recovery menu. When recovery was complete ICS opened but with no Baseban version and no service. The CPU did show 1.2Gh. WiFi worked but no phone or 3/G/4G services. The system was laggy and some apps froze. I waited for about 40 minutes before trying a reboot. Then tried again. Still nothing. ICS seems very nice but is useless if I cannot use the phone.
Finally, I FXZd back to .902 and when it rebooted with a Baseband (CMDA_N_04.07.00R LTEDC_07.1F.00) and phone 3G/4G operating, I plugged the phone and spare batterys into chargers and went to bed.
At this point I am concerned that there may be residual files that are preventing a good ICS recovery (including a future OTA). I see a recovery folder on my sdcard-ext with "hijack", "Logwrapper" & "update-binary" files along with a Are thes typical for a recovery folder or could they be residuals from SafeStrap? Can I delete the contents safely?
I am considering doing a full factory reset, but would like advice prior to taking that step. If I leave the sdcard-ext installed when doing a factory reset, will it erase the contents? Should I pull the card a reinstall it after the rest?
I know I can get back "on the path" and OTA .905, but worry about a future ICS OTA. My goal is to install the ,232 leak and insure it works on my phone. At this point, I believe I have followed all the correct procedures, but would appreciate some help. :blink: