I just got my refurb Dinc.... one problem

Nov 30, 2009
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My Dinc isnt working right and vzw sent me refurb unit and I am putting all my apps and stuff back on but I ran into one problem...

I use a widget called SD Mount Widget but when I go to the market its not there anymore. :(

Is there a way to backup this widget from the broken Dinc and then move it over to the new unit?

thanks... for the help!
You could probably use Titanium backup and back up everything to your sd. Is your market up to date?
can i do a temp root with z4root? thanks!

Also I have another new problem apps that I am downloading some of them their icon disapears in the app draw and is replaced with an android logo but the text of the app name is there and when I click on that app it force closes. i moved these apps from sd card to phone will that remedy that problem.

You can root it and then unroot it if that is what you like. I used unrevoked instead of z4.