I can't help but laugh at those who try to pump the Bionic over the Bolt

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What I'd like to know is why are the TB haters posting in TB forums?


EXACTLY!!! Lol...just hatn cuz theyre in the past and cant stand we r ahead of them technology wise "HATERS GNA HATE" always and forever...holla at us when ur on our block till then i cant hear ya ur too far back in time

Sent from the phone that makes all other phones bow down

Your phone has almost year old technology that happened to be released with lte, have fun with that 32gb storage cap on your phone. Be quiet.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
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Awwwwwww ur so cute when u angry...now run along back to ur phones section...u know da one dat cant hang wit da big boyz..lmao! Like i said when U R on our block then holla till then.go.back.under ur bridge...TROLL!
Sent from the phone that makes all other phones bow down
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That's what I'm saying what's the point of having 9mb down at your disposal if u got a cap of 32gb. For that speed u need at least 64. I never said I was getting a G2x I was just comparing it to the crap ur holding now. See u when my signature says EVO 3D, the real flagship of HTC. Enjoy your outdated phone while it last ill put my 250 to the side and wait for summer.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
U mean wen u flash it to cricket????? What good is havn a BAD phone if ur on a WEAK network?? Bwahahahaha! Gta luv phone envy!

Sent from the phone that makes all other phones bow down
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See u when my signature says EVO 3D, the real flagship of HTC.

Still 32 gb storage cap. Good luck running a dual core 3d phone with a qHD display and 1730 mah battery. People think the tbolt is bad on battery... You switching to Sprint to? Good luck with that. You will never be able to fill up your sdcard... Network isn't fast enough. I hope you don't take pictures either.

But anyway. I'm sure you will be welcome in the EVO 3D section.

Sent from my BAMFed out Thunderbolt
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Jr, I love the idiot quote in your signature! Respectfully, you may want to follow your own advice...lol. I think the more I read of these stupid posts in these kind of stupid threads, the more and more I feel my intelligence slipping away...I better stop before I'm dumb enough to buy an iPhone! LMAO!!!

Is everyone in here a bunch of teenagers? If seems like it!!!

By the way everyone, my dad can beat up your dad!!!!! ROTF LMAO!
thanks guys

there are no good sitcoms on monday nights ive been enjoying this :)
how you can say any phone is good without a 37 inch 3d display quad core i7 1 terabyte of storage. all in a 5 inch by 2 1/2 inch device.geez you guys will settle for anything.
Jr, I love the idiot quote in your signature! Respectfully, you may want to follow your own advice...lol. I think the more I read of these stupid posts in these kind of stupid threads, the more and more I feel my intelligence slipping away...I better stop before I'm dumb enough to buy an iPhone! LMAO!!!

Is everyone in here a bunch of teenagers? If seems like it!!!

By the way everyone, my dad can beat up your dad!!!!! ROTF LMAO!

You forgot to post something on topic. You lose.

Thunderbolt wins. On topic?

Sent from my BAMFed out Thunderbolt
I'm just going to say this one time. Flamming will stop now or those responsible will get a 30 day vacation. Either you have a respectful discussion or you can have those other kind in a different forum.

The wings were my team as a kid, until we got the coyotes. The past 2 seasons we have had the misfortune of seeing you guys first round. We make the playoffs 2 years in a row (which is like a solar and lunar eclipse in the same day) just to play the best franchise in the NHL. AZ sports are cursed...
That's what I'm saying what's the point of having 9mb down at your disposal if u got a cap of 32gb. For that speed u need at least 64. I never said I was getting a G2x I was just comparing it to the crap ur holding now. See u when my signature says EVO 3D, the real flagship of HTC. Enjoy your outdated phone while it last ill put my 250 to the side and wait for summer.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App

This kid is all upset cause his dad won't let him buy a new phone. What other reason would there be that he is so upset over a phone he doesn't own.
My apologies Hook i let my passion for my phone that OWN & LUV get a hold of me, i will no longer engage in any bad talk or flamming any longer....and @sgtguthrie ur right i will heed my own advice for once i never seem to do that...lol...Im out but before i go...Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
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