I used to live in Jacksonville, FL and was on the Sprint network with my Palm Pre. I loved Sprint and had no intentions of leaving. I moved to Virginia Beach, VA and all of a sudden, Sprint's network blew the goat. I was under the impression that the signal of the Evo would be improved over the Pre and that would alleviate my problems. I was 2 months away from my upgrade, however, and they wouldn't budge on that (2 months would have been at one year, which is early already). I was totally bummed because I wanted the Evo BAD! When I saw the Droid X come out, I decided it was worth switching to Verizon for since my Pre was almost always with no signal. The reviews you've read have been pretty accurate. They are pretty similar other than that front facing camera, but with Motorola's experience behind it instead of HTC. HTC Sense is a very pretty UI, but the Beautiful Widgets, you can create a nearly identical look on the X. Hardware-wise, the X is going to have about double the battery life of the Evo. Unless that front facing camera is of dire importance to you, I'd say it is a good move. It may not be a true upgrade, but it is at least lateral.